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Not so fast, Tom. It's a trap! https://us.jura.com/en/customer-advice/key-technologies Anybody who buys this is gonna be getting spam emails from Russia and telemarketing calls from India trying to sell you an extended maintenance warranty. This Jura has the look and stench of a dang LCS CODAG Combining Gear. Roger Federer?...Britney Spears ex-husband. Pf-f-ft...some endorsement.

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Dale, the difference between the Jura and the LCS is that the coffee maker does what it was designed to do.

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You all should be grateful for whatever coffee-like liquid you get. I haven't even had a cup of castrated (decaffeinated) coffee in a couple of years. No coffee, no booze, no cigarettes, no sugar, no this, no that. "Golden Years" my ass.

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None of my business, but I am wondering what afflicts you. Are you in a coma or housed in an iron lung or in solitary at a Super-Max? I've had coffee daily since bootcamp in 1965. The only time I went without was 3 days in 2000. At age 51 I had my tonsils out and throat debrided and cauterized because of a massive strep infection. Couldn't even think of drinking a cup of coffee. My throat was very painful, but my headache was far worse. I was suffering mightily. On day 3 I had an "Aha!" moment and brewed a pot of Folgers in my Mr. Coffee machine. Poured a huge glass and iced it down. It wasn't more than 10-20 seconds after my first gulp before that headache disappeared. Get a second or third opinion about that coffee stricture, Tim. This is a quality of life issue.

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My increasingly large staff of medical professionals, especially the cardiologists, insist I refrain from indulging myself.

"but my headache was far worse."

I felt your pain. I quit drinking coffee, smoking (well, almost) and drinking adult beverages on the same day. The combined withdrawal pains plus the side effects of my new medication rendered me almost comatose for about two weeks.

"This is a quality of life issue. "

Indeed. My sole remaining pleasure in life is visiting this site (and one or two others) and making a nuisance of myself; to inflict pain on others.

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I try to stay active myself. It takes willpower. Have you tried the pastime of schadenfreude? It is a sedentary sport and if you can flex your Christian values a little bit it can be absolutely delightful. I try to it in moderation. If I hear of someone I intensely dislike being put on Metformin for diabetes and suffering the side effects I do this to feel good:


Being a good person is hard work.

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" Have you tried the pastime of schadenfreude?"

Too often, I am afraid. But only for those who deserve a little schaden, of course. I also find that feelings of guilt sometimes counter the enjoyment.

" ...being put on Metformin for diabetes and suffering the side effects..."

Oh, dear. I do wish you hadn't mentioned that.

"Being a good person is hard work."

Too true. Unfortunately I am too lazy to be a good person. .

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Are you a fan of the "Three Year Letterman?" He'd like your Britney comment.

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Had to Google that. Never was a sports fan, but he seems to cater to my prejudices, predilections and penchants. I could become a fan. Thanks.

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Folks are not falling as hard for his act as they did a year ago, but, he can be very funny.

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