"Walk away from personalities whose credentials are their personality." There is so much wisdom in that sentence it shines like gold. BZ.

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Target acquired, weapon is range-gating.

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Nicely said. Maybe a bit of a cold-water plunge to help center us for the new year…

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In your personal financial life,if it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn’t so avoid it.

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I think part of "their" strategy is to exasperate us with obfuscation, babblespeak, TL:DR's and scary, depressing screeds so that we'll tune out and seek solace in Krispy Kreme donuts. I know a lot of people who have tuned out and seem happier for having done so. But I remember that blurb in the Captain's Night Orders that said, "Eternal vigilance is the price of victory." And most of us still remember the oath we took when we joined the military. I gnarf a few Krispy Kremes now and again, but it's only to give me energy.

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Jan 2, 2023Liked by CDR Salamander

What if you find yourself RULED "by people who don't answer the hard questions, have weak or no data, and are surrounded by fanbois " (like, oh, the media) ?

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Boring AND hard

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Lest we forget, there was always SOMETHING there at first; "venture capitalist Marc Andreessen" created the first modern "web browser" Mosaic while in college, and commercialized it as first Netscape and later Mozilla (the "Mosaic Godzilla"), which really WERE world-changing technologies. Calling Andreessen a "venture capitalist" is to point to his WEAKNESSES, not his strength.

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It is time to ask very direct questions of people in power, with harsh responses when we get lies and misdirection, in return.

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I always felt like Sulla was going too far especially once the proscriptions named people just because of their property. I am increasingly nervous we cannot pull out of this nosedive without a comparably drastic correction by force

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