Will the coming die off, from old age, of the German leaders that grew up in East Germany as good Socialists have a positive effect on Germany? Or is socialism too entrenched in the German mind?

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Excellent! Long overdue chastisement of Germany. She needs to step up.

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You kicked German butt. What exactly is Germany doing in NATO? First serious crisis and they go wimp wimp. Withdraw US forces from Germany, restation in Poland, Baltics, Nordics, and south-central Europe, cancel US security guarantees, and give them a good bye kiss on the nose plus a used pair of blue bunny slippers and a soft, well used blankie.

Fat chance, I admit.

The Germans ARE socialists, Scott. Almost all western/central/northwest Europe are. This neutrality at the US's expense in an ingrained German trait.

The current Germans are pacifists. Had war with the Soviets broken out, the Germans would basically have surrendered. Better Red than dead. I dont blame them, but then declare yourself neutral and dont take money and soldiers from US. That is total 100% user strategy. And we enable them.

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I don't understand the German domestic political situation. Scholz is in a coalition government - do his partners not have any objections? I'd think that there would at least be quiet rumblings about a no-confidence vote or deals being made to keep the coalition together.

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Agreed! And well done, this is your best work yet!

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Two somewhat unrelated issues. One, it's not all Scholz - like in any representative republic, there's the Reichstag and all those representatives who have a say. Any analysis of spending must include a look at the German political parties and German voters. Two, and not unrelated, the extreme German own goal(s) when it comes to energy. Outsourcing your economic model to Russia PGOL or U.S. LNG for the dream of clean energy represents a deep strategic blindness. De-industrializing your own country is not a solution.

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It is time for NATO to go; actually it is 30 years past time. The Eastern European and Baltic countries facing Russia are perfectly capable of defending themselves collectively if they desire. The Poles are taking their own defense seriously and arming accordingly. See




An Eastern European / Baltic defense alliance would be perfectly adequate for defense against Russia. They could ignore the squishes in Germany and France while making it clear to Russia that they have no intent of being a doormat. Nuclear deterrence would be an issue; maybe the UK joins or maybe the Poles / Czechs acquire a few on their own.

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Scholz marinated in anti-Americanism as a JUSO in the seventies and eighties, and indulged in all manner of flirtation with his DDR counterparts. He is unable to accept the need for a strong military, and will seek any accommodation with Russia that restores the "special relationship" with Moscow, with the full support of Germany Inc. I imagine we are just months away from German commentators decrying Ukrainian intransigence.

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Cdr Sal, per above: You are blocked on DoD websites. *chef's kiss*

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Get fudge out of Europe! We don't need NATO, UN. Cut our armed forces in half except for the Space Force, and the Navy. Bring all the troops home. We can't afford, nor need the empire anymore. My grandfather, father and me, all served/fought in Europe. It's time to come home and let the Europeans figuire it out on their own.......

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