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Sail on Carney - Bravo Zulu to the nth degree!

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BZ indeed to Carney. What do you want to bet that some of her firecontrolmen end up as instructors at their schoolhouse. Nothing like real life experience for instructional gravitas.

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Well done, to the officers and crew. You have done us all proud. Highest traditions upheld.

Too bad we cannot give them the order to Splice the Mainbrace!

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Three cheers for the officers and crew of the USS Carney.

To paraphrase Henry V, I suspect there are a lot of other sailors who are disappointed in not being in the Red Sea taking on the Houthis and earning that coveted Combat Action Ribbon.

My problem, however, is with the Pentagon.

I look at a map of Yemen and wonder why the Marines have not seized the Hanish Islands.

I wonder if the Navy is blockading Aden and intercepting and supply ships from Iran.

I wonder if our State Department has gotten Saudi Arabia and Oman to close their borders and airspace to prevent Iran from resupplying the Houthis.

Are special forces in Yemen destroying the weapons that threaten shipping?

Above all do our leaders understand that the true metric of success is how many merchant ships can sail from the Med to the Indian Ocean without being molested by pirates or terrorists?

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You'll have to ask Jake Sullivan. Maybe while he is hosting Biden admin's "Death to America" party at the White House in honor of the IRGC's anniversary?

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Beats Blinken who's is in Kiev playing a dirge for Ukraine on his guitar.


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Why haven't the Iranian ships on Red Sea picket duty, been sent to Davy Jones Locker?

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They aren't on picket duty, they are doing targeting, battle coordination and fire control.

But Iran is a critical ally of the US, just ask the Chief of staff to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict, Ariane Tabatabai. Who the Atlantic discusses in this article. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/09/tehran-times-classified-documents-leak-investigation-robert-malley/675480/

Luckily, unlike her mentor, I'm sure she wouldn't be advocating and spying for Iran. Right?

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The administration may be waiting for its Gulf of Tonkin moment.

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Indeed, this is excellent presentation by the ship and the crew. Good job!

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May 20·edited May 20

Well done officers and crew of USS Carney!! BZ

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May 20·edited May 20

For some kids on their first deployment, that well earned fruit salad of the Expeditionary GWOT, CAR, and PUC along with the usual stuff is going to make for a rack that will raise a few eyebrows. BZ kids.

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Since Congress is unlikely to authorize a Bab el Mandeb campaign medal, I hope the boys and girls in the five sided pleasure palace authorize Navy Expeditionary Medals for units in this ongoing effort. The GWOT EM remaining active operations wouldn't seem to cover this.

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The people in the Pentagon are too busy awarding each other Legions of Merit to bother with medals for sailors.

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May 20Liked by CDR Salamander

I sure hope the comments of our Sailors and their family members on the video get to every one of our recruiters. This is how you tell someone about the Navy and how the experience can be truly transformative however long they stay in or wherever they go in life. The credibility of these Sailors cannot be matched - they are speaking from the heart. So great to see and hear!

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Too bad the Navy screwed around with HARP Duty. The kids could have gone home for a month and worked with recruiters for two weeks.

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Success drives success and highlighting what a true warship is meant to be absolutely drives recruitment.

You enlist to be the best of the best and part of a warrior tradition. That has been true through time and memoriam and is unchanged no matter how much the world and things in it evolve. Pride, Duty, Honor are immutable the Washington brass corrupted by politics & self serving interest forget that.

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Agree 100%. Save a few million dollars on marking "advice" and just run them as our next campaign.

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Great to see the real Navy can still be squared away!!!

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Nice to see a US Navy ship (not coming off the ways) that isn't rust-streaked.

BZ indeed.

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Someone at the Pentagon finally realized that Optics Do Matter and the Carney stopped off on the way back for Paint and a Detail job. BZ on the Crew for its performance in Combat. No Doubt a Battle E will be awarded.

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Looks like that brief stop in Norfolk was more than to allow the brass to come aboard.

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If that's what it takes....

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It's a hoax! Like that movie, Capricorn One, about faking a flight to Mars. Want proof? No Rust!

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Must be...

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The way things are going these days reloads for ships like the USS Carney are going to become an issue.

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Sharp this is the USN not that other Navy that has been foisted on us for to long. Success builds success and being sharp leads to looking sharp.

Absolutely makes you proud so see a crew sharp and squared away and not settling for (as they say today) meh.

No shortcuts here no buck passing no I don’t have so and so. Just a well disciplined crew who takes pride in their ship their Navy and their country.

Fair winds and following seas.

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Torn between "This is why You Don't Fuck With Our Boats" and "Lions led by Mice".

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BZ, aye!

And she DOES look good! Almost - ALMOST - enough to erase the picture of USS Elliot Williams.

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