Spot on, my friend. These commies are killing us on purpose.

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All you say is true. For the next administration (or heavens forfend, the next Congress if there is a change and they can be convinced of the need), the question of what to replace the aircraft carrier with still looms large. I say that because the PRC has continued to build the Dong Feng 21, and unless this sentence from the US Naval Institue, written in 2009 (“Ships currently have no defense against a ballistic missile attack.”) is no longer true, our carriers are sitting ducks whenever they come closer than 1200 miles to the coast of the PRC.

I ask you, CDR Salamander!

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Welfare rats and green energy donors to the democrats will get their money.

Maybe Hunter will get another 140k electric car from the companies to whom daddy throws taxpayer cash

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We all know that in the wardroom, one of the forbidden topics is politics. Well, that is almost 30 years in the rear view mirror for me, so…… We are where we are because everyone in DC has been obsessed with the sandbox and with the utopia of free everything, at the expense of the bigger picture (and reality). Stupid choices in D.C. are bad for everyone.

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I fail to understand the need for a new SSBN class. I assume their primary task will be to carry nuclear 2nd strike weapons. From my perspective adding to our second strike capability doesn't keep us out of a war, or help win a land/sea war with China, so they are a waste of time. New SSNs, surface combatants and fleet logistics are another matter altogether, but they aren't sexy and probably don't employ as many in the shipyards. It appears our decision makers are still in love with nuclear weapons combined with being under the spell of "technology will solve all problems". The current conflict in Ukraine proves the need for solidly trained, well led boots on the ground or on the deck. This current period is 1973-1980 redux with Biden replacing Carter. The difference is that China is in the ascendancy today whereas the USSR was in decline back then.

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There is value in a new class of SSBN if it can be designed to be quieter. Just the input of a surface ship design guy.

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Fair point, I'm not a military guy and looked at the payload and not the vessel. Thanks

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Yes, it's irrational all the way around and back again. The cabal focus on Russia. It's an ethno-religious thing. They contemplate demolishing Russia then using that wealth as base to demolish China from front and rear. Rational this is not. And it hits all our branches of service with hyper-stupid today and tomorrow. It's Ds and Rs united together. Irredeemable lunacy.

"They" are scrambling now to make stand-off hypersonics -- which they had and abandoned years ago, after C and R stole (or were sold) the tech.

It's the kind of thing whereat one implores The Almighty to raise a counterpart of The Army of Titus to remove the [persons of interest] from the land of the respectable, along with their dwellings, goods, and chattels, and raise sane families -- such as homeschooled -- who truly attend their nation's affairs instead of their own vagaries and venalities.

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Buying nine new Ships? But didn't Sen. Inhofe state that one of the nine had already been counted in a previous years budget cycle. so really only eight new ships.

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Mar 30, 2022·edited Mar 30, 2022

"...capacity for down the road."

Um, where's that part again? Once the Columbias are all in (under) the water, then it's a surface shipbuilding free for all? Sorry, I must be missing somehow seeing that "surge in capacity" can that's getting kicked "down the road" into the 2040s...

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All true and sad, moreover Navy leadership has a track record of not being up to the task. With this as a backdrop, it is best to cut especially in a world full of waste. I add, The first step on the path to long term victory is fixing USNA. You have to start somewhere and the start needs to have optical as well as tangible impact and meaning.

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