Oct 19, 2022Liked by CDR Salamander

Per usual, I so appreciate your thoughts and writings. This is so spot on. I do not know who knows what you are saying. The warnings are all there. History is there. Who in Washington is behind Mike Gallagher? So many of them are bought and paid by the Red Dragon.

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Oct 19, 2022Liked by CDR Salamander

Well, there you go again, Sal - trying to inject a bit of actual logic and common sense into the D.C. political-budget fights. <shakes head>

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So, dare I paraphrase Don Rumsfeld and say you have to fight the war with the Navy, planes, systems, and missiles you have and not those you WISH you had?

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Oct 20, 2022Liked by CDR Salamander

Well said! If we went to war tomorrow, what would we stop doing? What would we do more of? Once we have those two lists, we should do them - now.

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I sound like the Ancient Mariner, but I see no will in America to confront the rise of China,. Yes, Cdr. Salamander speaks sense. I have been back in Washington DC 32 years and all I see are excuses why we should not stop China. We cant achieve energy independence, which is easily done. Confront China? we couldnt confront Winnie the Pooh. I know we have weapons which we have only hinted at and I know if we want to, we could sink the entire PLAN before anyone notices it is gone. Nonetheless, by virtue of sheer size and growing every year, China is likely to get in some hard blows before it is left with a couple of fishing junks. we are unwilling to risk any losses.

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1. The current Navy leadership does not expect a long war for what ever reason. The thinking is that you fight the war with the Navy you have in theater. Why are they wrong?

2. Concur with the recommendations, but why not keep working on improved Naval capability even those that are more than five years out. When will this war happen? Predictions are hard to make, especially about the future.

3. LRASM is mentioned as long range, but I am not so sure it shouldn't be characterized as medium range, in spite of its name.

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