Superb, as always.

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Outstanding article! I've lamented for ages the support of communists by the churches. Similarly, why the Church of Rome was the Nazi's banker or they also aided Hitler's acolytes fleeing to Argentina. Perhaps, at that time, the 'Church' was taking the long view with respect to survival.

Yet, that doesn't square with their support of communist thugs, today, throughout the world post 1945. Bravo Zulu, CDR.

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Can’t have a prophetic voice when you’re a party lackey.

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Antonio Gramsci doesn't get enough credit nowadays for our current predicament.

At age 14 my mom, sister and I converted from Methodist to Catholic. I took my new religion very seriously. It was a tough row to hoe because I was going through puberty. I decided at age 15 that I wanted to be a Maryknoll Missionary and got in contact with them to get on track to go to their seminary. I used to mow lawns in New Orleans for spending money and gave much of it to the missions in Latin America. The Maryknoller's had been big in China before the Communist kicked them out. They all then concentrated in Latin and South America. In November 1965 at age 17 I had no epiphany about communism, politics, Liberation Theology but my raging hormones won out. No seminary for me. I dropped out of high school and joined the Navy. Spent the next 26 years in the Navy doing mostly sea-going things. Got past the hormones and prospered fairly well. I look back and count myself lucky that I didn't fall in with the left wing of my church. I am not proud of some of the paths I took as a single sailor on liberty, but dodging that Liberation Theology wokery is something I am glad of. Our Pope comes from such wokery.

I look at Pope John Paul II and compare him to Pope Francis and do not know whether to shake my head or hang it in shame. I sometimes wish to make a pilgrimage to Rome. Not to see Pope Francis. Antonio Gramsci is buried there. The flowers on his grave need watering.

Great article, Commander.

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The Gramscian march through our institutions is nearly complete.

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Pope Francis' deal with the Chicoms makes most traditional Catholics' head spin. All future leaders of Catholicism will now be Communist Party apparatchiks per the Vatican's agreement with Beijing.

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Sedevacantantism is looking better and better everyday that the Peronist Priest sits on the throne of St Peter

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Wasn't Samoza's dictatorship as bloody and as corrupt as any communist dictatorship?


By the way, I remember when any minister, pastor, or priest of any U.S. church was accused of being Communist (Liberal, Leftist, etc.) for speaking or marching for civil rights.


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You do know that Ortega was/is an actual communist, yes?

Sorry this is happening to you.

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Ortega: Ah, DUH.

Me: Huh

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Never been able to justify the distinction between a right-wing dictator and a communist one; the only form of governance on the right is democratic free enterprise.

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Dec 26, 2022Liked by CDR Salamander

I'm a "Free Helicopter Rides" Catholic, myself.

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The Left will never confess to any wrong doing because they have a religious faith in their aims and actions.

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Alas, the Lutheran Church has gone down the same rabbit hole. They left me, I didn't leave them.

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I was referred to your account by someone in a YouTube comment and I subscribed because it seemed like interesting articles about naval battles of the past. Then I got this, it is political, and I was prepared to be disappointed about someone who otherwise is cool delivering the usual nonsense of the day. What a pleasant surprise. Very interesting and good

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Thanks ... I think.

I disappoint everyone eventually, but if you're an 80/20 guy, we should be OK.

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I recall in the '80s that I had small use for either the Sandinistas or the Somocistas, which I conclude in hindsight was a Pilate-like stance to take; chalk it up to lack of moral fiber. Mea culpa. I hope I've gotten better since, sinner that I am.

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