It's over for Israel.

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Unfortunately that’s not happening.

“All G7 nations need to do is improve and have good stewardship of their positions generations worked to build”

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not part of the G-7 roster, are the other countries well and firmly aligned, namely:

- rest of EU






I think our two biggest concerns vis-a-vis BRICS are:

- the US debt impacting the dollar as the defacto trading currency

- Chinese IP theft and cyber war

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Every single one of these new invitees should be forced to choose which club they want to be a part of with all the military aid, economic markets, trade and sanctions that go with it. No one should be allowed to sit on the fence. Now is a time for choosing.

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"..not import problems or sabotage the economic systems..."

That's the rub, now isn't it? While G7 countries have the edge in terms of PPP/GDP/CPI/UFO and a host of other wonderful sounding economic initialisms, practically every G7 country lacks a viable fertility replacement rate. Over the long-term scale it will not address this issue with national policies, nor cut back on mass immigration-legal or illegal.

With an almost complete lack of a robust assimilation process, civic and political institutions inherent to liberal Western democracies are at a continued decline. At current rates the 'Global South' will inevitably become simply the Globe.

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That may, indeed, be "all they need to do," but they, particularly the Anglosphere, are working actively - as hard and quickly as they can - to do the opposite and to crush those systems...

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Our government shoots us in the foot at every turn and then we wonder why things aren't going our way. Drill Baby Drill, stop wind and solar insanity, grow corn, beans and wheat, feed the cows and hogs, use amonia cycle for air conditioning (five times more efficent than Freon) and make "Made in America!" a reality again, do not allow LGBT people in the military or important positions, Make America GREAT Again!

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For Gawd’s sake! How many times has Argentina defaulted on its financial obligations ?

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So what you're saying is the G7 need new elites, Commander?

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Going to tackle this from a different angle. Probably going to get hurt doing it. Here's the deal. BRICS, as it is, has become a recognizable brand. What happens with the addition of these 6 new members? You can't leave it at just BRICS. People will not feel included and valued. We could get BRICSAEEISAUAE. But too cumbersome. Let's anagram it: 'E Brics, I a-sea eau. Nope, it reeks of Brit and Frog front and back and Eye-Talian in the middle. You add some power houses like Nauru, Kiribati, Albania and San Marino...to say nothing of some country run by an insecure, maniacal Karenish Kim you get trouble with a capital T. With every country added so goes the brand because everyone wants the lead on the marquee. It is written in our code and DNA. Nah. BRICS will go the way of any suburban HOA debating over planting Sago Palms or banning yard jockeys, pink flamingos and American flags. BRICS will B.R.A.C. like brick-a-brack.

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As I've said elsewhere - the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow for BRICS is getting Israel into the mix. Decoupling from the west, gaining access to that critical geographic fulcrum plus simply the shock to the G7 system would be a true game changer. Understand - that's unlikely playing according to the established rules of the game. That being said - Israel is split into "many" different parties, each of which is in need of support to gain advantage over the others. It'd be an extremely prudent medium term investment to chase a that balloon. Far less expensive from an investment point of view than other options. And fewer negative repercussions.

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The problem is some of the (s) part of the BRIC(s) has the oil. And are in areas where maritime traffic can be interdicted.

The next few years will be interesting.

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BRICS+ membership does not include any real obligations and no ready benefits. It's not an alliance. It's just another place to talk, a club for those who don't get to sit with the cool kids.

I am looking forward to seeing Mexico overtake Russia in population and GDP. It's not going to take long.

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We give so much foreign aid to most BRICS countries. Will they still accept dollars, or does the aid have to be in another currency? Not even a joke, the Biden administration will literally give these people free money in any currency they want.

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Aug 24, 2023·edited Aug 24, 2023

South Africa can't even keep the lights on ...they call it 'power shedding'. Ethiopia!! it's most prominent product is famine? Egypt can't feed its population without US food aid. Much of the international capital that is stampeding out of China is headed to India. China has been clashing with India in re their common border. Why India would ally itself in any manner to an economic and military rival? Brazil continues to disappoint expectations. As De Gaulle once said "Brazil is not a serious country". BRICS is not a serious organization.

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Trying to keep Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Argentina, and Ethiopia from joining by waterboarding them with the all encompassing CLIMATE EMERGENCY!/LGTBQ mantra this administration can't see beyond, is a certain failure...

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