Don't think Trump will do a Mileni, I'm afraid.

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18

Just put some DDs and a pretty face, he'll fold like a cheap beach chair.

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That's why I get amused when people say Trump won't give Ukraine more aid. They'll just have a bunch of big-titted babes protest outside the White House, and then get twice the stuff they've gotten so far!

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18

Given Hayden, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, laptop signatories, et al.? Maybe Cheatle thinks she could walk the floor at the RNC to flaunt her immunity.

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I remember Clapper telling Congress that the Muslim Brotherhood was not a religious organization.

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It's not. It is a political organization which conducts both normalized activity in the Sunni-Shia realm and terror operations. Would you call Sein Finn a religious org?

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You mean the Muslim Brotherhood is just like the Girl Scouts? I was in the NCTC that day and the general knew he had made a fool out of himself.

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I think the comparison of the Muslim Brotherhood to Sinn Fein was intended to point out that both groups are well-known for maintaining paramilitary auxiliaries involved in campaigns of organized terror.

Don't fall into the trap of being determined to Make Someone Wrong on the slightest hint of a pretext. It's a bad look. Lessons might be taken from other examples of similar mistakes.

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"The Brotherhood also reaches out to the public through missionary activities and da’wa (religious proselytizing). Through its charitable activities, the Brotherhood has developed a reputation as a benevolent ally of Egypt’s economically marginalized classes and a strong advocate for the public interest."

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Islam, like Communism, is a totalitarian ideology. *Everything* has religious implications. Even personal hygiene, including the proper way to defecate, is subject to Islamic rules. Governance and politics are not excepted.

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Don't forget the prince and princess GOFOs that gave us the Abbey Gate ROE. They seeem to be pretty immune too.

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No one cares about the troops. They only care about blowback.

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The best theory I've seen is that the local SWAT team left the (white) roof from heat, and went indoors for the a/c. They didn't tell Secret Service.

When the SS snipers saw the armed man on the roof, they couldn't shoot the guy because they weren't sure he was NOT part of the sniper team until he fired.

It was a colossal goat rope.

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Plausible but would be dereliction of duty.

With the way the shooter was set up they could not wound him even though yes, they are trained for center of mass; shooter was only presenting a head shot.

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18

I'm not forming any definitive conclusions/opinions yet.

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That dog won’t hunt.

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Having spent some time on rooftops in summer, I can see where heat is a plausible reason for not having anyone physically occupying as rooftop. Certainly much less laughable than "slope", but still not a valid excuse for not having someone occupying, or at the very least least observing, critical terrain like rooftops within 150 yds.

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No one care about their constituents (or their master's constituents). Just the big donors and kick backs. So -- its kinda the same thing!

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Maybe she is not a coward hiding behind bone-spurs?

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Jul 19·edited Jul 19

Or asthma? Or fleeing to Delaware with Covid? He can't recover in the White House?

But, then again? You want to play that game?

Given Hayden, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, laptop signatories, et al.?

I'd elect syphilis before I'd vote for a Democrat.

Have a nice day Admiral.

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When did you serve?

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He's a retired Admiral. Ran for Senate from Iowa.

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Maybe just someone with the same name. No admiral could be that stupid.

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Except maybe John Kirby

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Jul 19·edited Jul 19

Kirby received his orders, saluted smartly and carried out his orders at great personal cost.

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Funny thing? I never mentioned the party. I did mention people who leaked to the press, pejured themselves in Congress, spied on the press, meddled in election, etc. But, hey I'm just a deckplate scum white hat.

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" No admiral could be that stupid"

I beg to differ. I don't believe Navy admirals are any smarter than Army generals.

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That can’t be the same guy. According to the internet, “Admiral” Franken is an old bald guy with a slightly overweight wife and Heydrich-like eyes (with apologies to Godwin). The guy posting here is a vibrant, young man who rides motorcycles.

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oh, man. Not the "same name" trap again...to add even more complication to this unit of CI 1a, the name might be a pseudonym!

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The phrase “best and brightest” was coined by a group that was neither. Sloped roof? USSS counter-snipers were on a roof of the same very minimal slope. Incompetence and DEI on stage for all to see.

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Yes. I found the "Sloped Roof" rationale ridiculous---there are pictures of FBI people using a hose on that roof today to clean up the mess. As to the rest--well, when you put DEI ahead of competence and ability to do the job, you get results like this. This "Administration" may eventually throw her under the bus as a scapegoat, but their instincts are to pander to their various constituencies above all. Change: The sooner the better.

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I doubt it. No one was punished for Afghanistan.

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True. Of course Afghanistan was directed in detail from the top, overriding military objections. They're not going to punish themselves.

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"directed in detail from the top, overriding military objections. "

Gonna have to show me some evidence of that. Point me in the right direction. At the very least, I doubt anybody in the White House has any interest in those military details, so why would they get involved in them? And why would any competent military commander go along if they objected?

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We've had this discussion before and I provided a link. Please revisit. As to the military commanders, there should have been some stars on the table. In that, you are correct.

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I read the link, for which I thank you. I didn't find it persuasive. I found another version that said the generals suggested evacuating from Kabul and the White House approved their plan. That sounds much more likely to me. I do not believe anyone in the White House has ability, the skill, or the interest in directing *any* military adventure in detail. Even Dr. Jill.

If you wish me to revisit, I would be more than happy to, but I don't have the link.

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As you may be aware, NEO operations (which this technically was) are directed by the State Department, not the military.

The people on the ground (and JCS) wanted to keep enough people in the area to manage evacuations using the nearby (and secure) air base. That was denied and they had to use the commercial (and very insecure) airport.

I have no idea what the motivations of the people who forced this cluster could be. My suspicions are that it was yet another case of wanting a "Win" no matter the stupidity of the process. See: Ceasefire in Gaza.

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We have Donald Trump's own words that he was quite involved in that sort of thing before he left office, and even called Milley a moron because he was willing to leave $85 billion in new equipment behind as they discussed the planned downscaling of forces. Biden was the guy who was looking at his watch while the bodies came off the plane. The competent military commanders are waiting for their day to tell the truth. This part of the story is not finished!

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"We have Donald Trump's own words..."

I voted for him twice, and I will probably vote for him again, but he has been known to exaggerate and/or embellish.

As for leaving equipment behind, I think the military has some responsibility there.

"The competent military commanders are waiting for their day to tell the truth."

Well, they are waiting for the day they can write their memoirs anyway. They already have the opportunity to "tell the truth", and have had for the last 20 years, every time they appear before Congress if no other way. If they don't have the integrity or courage, that's another problem.

" This part of the story is not finished!"

No doubt.

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I will say that the military objected to inviting the Taliban to Camp David after striking a "deal" with them.

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What military did you serve in? Antifa?

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Where did the “admiral” go? I forgot to thank him for his service.

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That's true too.

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No one was punished for invading Iraq, costing thousands of lives and about $5.8T. Read history.

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I don’t have to read about it. I was there. (I didn't see you there.) That's why. I won’t vote for a Bush or any other member of the uniparty

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“I was there. (I didn't see you there.)”

He must have been in the rear, with Pete Buttgiggles.

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Damn, you lost your Senate primary election. As bad as you are, the winner was even worse? You guys do get angry when you political career dreams are dashed.

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TRUMP IS IN MORTAL DANGER! There should be no doubt in anyone's mind that the organized crime syndicate masquerading as the Democratic Party has decided that the only way they can keep their grip on power is to kill Trump. Far too many "irregularities" are reported to come to any other conclusion. Many a man has been sent to death row on less circumstantial evidence. Trump continues to be in mortal danger. He needs to employ private security immediately. The Secret Service, the FBI Homeland Security is riddled with agents of the crime syndicate.It would not surprise me if one of them doesn't attempt to kill Trump. For a full list of the "irregularities" that lead up to a plot visit ispeakfortrump

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The crime syndicate comment isn't far off. Menendez just bad at hiding it. In Oregon there is at least 1 pol who has received literally bags of cash and money orders from pot growing and mexican cartel linked people. Not sure you would see any difference out west if the cartels were openly running things. All 3 states seem completely inept at dealing with their substance problems and are basically funding it via there Bum (homeless) support programs. Who's to say all that money hasn't piled into various coffers around the country predominantly on the left. Drug enforcement has been pretty feckless. Think about it who's the cabinet secretary above Secret Service.. bingo.. he is corrupt and criminally so in my book and needs about 25 to life in jail for the mess he has made (Myorkas (sp) I would have a party if they marched that POS off to his fate. He has done terrible damage.

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I think it was 60 minutes a couple of weeks ago revealing Xi's minions are growing pot in Maine, then selling in here, then laundering it into dollars. That some craziness that the backwoods guys up there should ferret out and bird dog. That assumes they haven't been bribed.

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No...growing it in Oklahoma. Read the intel.

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I’m a resident of Maine and have a close contact with both the Border Patrol and ICE here in the state. I can confirm that the Maine-Chinese connection you mentioned is in fact true. They buy homes that are very rural and have some usable land and have indoor space to grow their pot. One way that they’re identified is through their electricity bill, which is 2-4x higher than what’s normal for a home.

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Says the felon supporter.

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Were you in a pup tent on some college campus waving a Palestinian flag?

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I have several Iowa friends including people involved in politics.. if you are a Candidate for dog catcher, they will work against a leftist POS like you. Maybe too much broke butt mounting behind your so called Iowa barn. You are a phony.. probably tossed out at E2 for bed wetting.

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Mikey, you support a President whose own daughter wrote about him molesting her in the shower. Snopes even confirmed it, and Snopes is anything BUT a conservative organization. But you support him? Why? Why would you support a child molester? Politics aside, that’s pretty sick.

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I agree. I think he should focus on inside venues from here until election, if the professionals in fact thing that is better.

One think that kind of amazed me is that given the extraction approach taking so long, why doesn't the USSS use shields. They are supper heavy but just as a big guy is called on in a squad to carry the crew served wpn., have a big guy hold up the shield and walk with the VIP to the vehicle. Better yet have two. I am sure we are not going to get Trump to use a "pope mobile" but after the election, come up with something and make it the norm, at least until we can feel confident the USSS regains footing.

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interesting thought. I've never seen one, but why? Even if a couple are left on the stage in case needed.

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That's a pretty moronic perspective. Read vice listen to Epoch and Fox. Duh.

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With the claim that " the roof was too steep " I should like to mention that Butler Township Fire Department has a very nice Tractor Drawn Aerial Ladder, with plenty of room at the top for an observer.

If the SS had asked, I bet it would have been made available to them.

Or, if a nearby town has one, a Snorkel has a nice platform for sharpshooters.

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They also had a water tower right there. There are conflicting stories about that and a possible rooftop to the right of the podium where Trump stood where the shot that hit Corey could have come from.

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The other day news reports said Crooks had used a drone to reconnoiter the area. Too bad one of the trained and experienced good guys wasn't as smart as the 20 yr. old HS grad. bad guy.

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Cheatle's statement is bullshit. Look at the pictures. You see a sniper position on the top of a red building. The pitch on that roof is much steeper than the AGR roof. Nobody is asking an important question. I was at the 2020 rally at Butler Airport and there was a large State Police presence. For this rally the Governor specifically ordered that no extra officers were to be used at the Trump rally. Extra officers WERE authorized for Jill Biden's visit to Pittsburgh the same day. So why didn't the Governor authorize extra State Police officers? Hell, PennDOT wasn't even allowed to post signage of Rt. 68 warning of traffic congestion. I have this information from very reliable sources and I believe it.

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Pennsylvania's Governor is high on list to replace Biden or Kamala in operation big switch. The new duo would have it easier if Nikkie or some other also ran rather than Trump was the Republican candidate.

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Just because your paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you! OK! I'm sure there is no conspiracy but I keep remembering the FBI plot in Michigan and the sort of dumb people they hooked in. Also the 51 lying jerks ex intelligence!

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Congress needs to convene a hearing in ED Pennsylvania and put these people under oath there. Perjurious statements are much more like to be prosecuted in that district than in DC, especially if a new administration is elected and a new AUSA appointed for the District

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The Democrats will close ranks and along with their allies in the bureaucracy will prevent and effective investigation. Remember John Durham?

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Right now, it's all about burning the clock through election (day). And if things don't go a certain way, stand by for other things to burn.

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...running the clock out until attention spans do a data dump and in the end you get the same kind of accountability as we did with USS Fitzgerald. But at least with that, of the 4 principles involved, the junior-most owned up to her negligence and took her lumps. The others stalled for years. TAO skated with a letter of censure. The CICWO was let off. The CO was allowed to retire. Wouldn't it be fit to see some 7/13-ers (metaphorically) cudgeled with their participation trophies?

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Kelsi Sheren has a comment about accountability in the Canadian armed forces that is spot on, in her interview with Jordan Peterson.

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Yes, that interview. I think it's towards the end where she makes reference to holding people accountable for their actions rather than allowing officers to retire rather than prosecuted and lose their pensions. "Think of their families."

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Are you speaking of Trump's classified document case?

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They will stall for time until the next thing happens. Like a massive coordinated and simultaneously conducted illegal immigrant Tet Offensive attack on American cities.

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Which would give them an excuse to impose martial law and cancel the election?

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Doubt they can do that but it will cause a delay and a flood of mail in ballots.

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Don't underestimate them. They almost succeeded but for a breeze and a turn of the cheek.

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We need a Boston Tea Party for mail in ballots.

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That was Trump's plan. Read...

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You should hang around for Diversity Thursday and defend the programs that guys like you (and my apologies for assuming you are a guy) put in place to gut the military.

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In a sane world, fired for incompetence would not have been needed, as resignation in shame would have already happened. It didn't, nor has Mayorkas, Austin, et al. A logical conclusion is they are actually performing well at the job they were hired to do by those who hired them. And, OBTW, continue to do. Wouldn't recommend an Argentina without an El Salvador. Wouldn't be drug thugs going to prison, but a fair number of white collar types...perhaps.

In the current chaos that exists in the world, not just the U.S., you have to wonder if various opposing world leaders are looking at their current timelines and wondering if they need adjusted ahead of a different administration coming in ...to the left, as we used to say in ops. Biden dropping out? Rumor of Xi having a stroke? What else could happen? Solar flares? UFO disclosure? Iran explodes a special device in the desert somewhere? I know "may you live in interesting times" is actually a curse, but how much more interesting can it get without something really important breaking...

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From the magic bullet to the Gulf of Tonkin to WMD to COVID and everything in between and thereafter, we the people have been lied to so many times by our politicians and bureaucrats that we have become almost numb. Worse, if we question what we are told then we are subjected to ridicule and labeled “conspiracy theorists” by our supposedly free press.

The official narrative is full of gaps, holes and contradictions and every “fact” that is released only make it more unbelievable.

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Conspiracy "theorist"? I prefer the term conspiracy analyst. Doing the hard, dirty jobs that mainstream press refuses to do.

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It's really just giving the headlines 3 months in advance.

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I'm stealing that like a Democrat steals an election. Thank you though.

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I'm stealing "conspiracy analyst"

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Look at the sponsorship that makes these media outlets run and those who own and control the sponsors.. Big Pharma is probably 70% of what you see these days. Ambulance chaser lawyers and some soap ads. Compared to the variety we got 20 or more years ago it is pretty stove piped and it wouldn't take a lot of sleuthing to drill down and find out there are probably about 50 people who have almost ironclad control of most all the news, even some of the right leaning stuff.

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You forget the Indian Tribes with their Casinos. Around Spokane there are Four Casinos and they advertise on TV all the time. Trying to remove what little money the poor have by getting them in the doors. Terrible tax on the poor. Turns out they also donate gobs of $$ to local and state Dems. Hmm?

Dave Peterson

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18

Been telling everyone for the past few days, the key to the puzzle is to determine what happened leading up to the event. I cannot believe that Saturday was the first time that the shooter visited the fairgrounds. Some amount of pre-planning had to occur, and possibly not on his own.

As every day passes it's clear that errors were made in epic proportions by all senior people involved. There is only one solution. Need to fire all involved under the same principle that applies to the CO of any navy ship.

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Fox says "Thomas Matthew Crooks, the 20-year-old would-be assassin who opened fire on former President Donald Trump's Pennsylvania campaign rally Saturday, hid the weapon in advance, according to a Secret Service source."

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I saw that about 5 minutes after posting. Wonder where he hid the gun...in the woods, on the roof, in the building? More epic fail by the SS if hid in the building or the roof.

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Tim Kennedy said his contacts said the SS didn’t do any advance on that building. Not enough people, time and money.

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Fortunate for former President Donald Trump and the Secret Service, 20yo Thomas Crooks was no 20yo Chuck Mawhinney.

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The sloped roof quote is so bonkers, I don't understand why more people aren't talking about it. It's obviously a lie, because I can't imagine any actual LEO thinking like that or taking action based on that.

But the really interesting question is, what is the truth that is so horrible that you want to go with THAT as your lie?

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I don't think people are about to stop talking about the sloped roof quote. The conversation about all this has hardly even begun. I think the reason that more people aren't talking is that they're still speechless. Dumbfounded.

The high ground needed to be secured, 360 degrees! Come on, this is basic!

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Ask why the pacman-shaped perimeter? Is that SOP? And research who owned the building in that cutout from whence the patsy... i mean the wannabe assassin fired his weapon from. Interesting details emerge. These demons have a pattern. They like to flip the good to the evil. Take the site of one of Trump's iconic moments.... the amazing rally in Butler before the 2020 election, and turn it into his worst defeat. I don't think it was accidental they picked that site.

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All we need to really say about it.

“At some point, before Trump walked on that stage, the Secret Service knew there was an armed gunman on that roof. And they let Trump walk onto the stage anyways.” Sen Mike Lee

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With all that has come to light, I just can't see how any honest and ethical person can vote to keep in this current administration. They are everything and more that they are accusing their opposition of. Not that I care all that much for Trump.. I have more confidence that the team he will employ will bring some competence to their jobs. I think it is fairly clear that DC needs a pure deep cleaning and mass retirements, resignations, firings and prosecutions as necessary. That goes for all the nameless bureaucrats who have built their little kingdoms over decades. So much can be saved if we just get rid of all the redundancies. So much chaff and dead weight. Flush every last thing that isn't directed by the constitution down to the greatest extent possible. I just don't know how that can be done but it would be the right thing to do to save the republic for a few more generations until another cleansing becomes necessary again. We can't survive long with the level of incompetance, corruption and broken paradigms currently entrenched. Pull the big handle and flush it all.

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I think you are right.

The only way to prevent government abuse is to strip government down.

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The Constitution does not have any provision allowing for a federalized police force, so the FBI and the ATF must both be abolished. The Constitution doesn't authorize federal control of schools, so the Dept of Education must be abolished. Nothing in there about federal health care, so Obamacare must be abolished. (Which the "RINOs" always promise, but never DO.)

95% of Federal law is unconstitutional.

“The Congress shall have Power To”



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The entire Code of Federal Regulations should be abolished.

Only Congress can pass laws and cannot delegate that power. (There is no provision for a dictator in the ancient Roman sense of the word.)

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I just can't see how any honest and ethical person can vote to keep in this current administration. Thiose who vote for the Democrats are woke, commie, Leftist POS even if they don;t know it yet.

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"5:52 p.m. Crooks spotted on the roof by USSS. 6:02 p.m. Trump takes the stage"

How is this allowed? It cannot possibly meet any standard protocol.

A question: Which scenario is more terrifying?

A. Actual conspiracy for this event with USSS cooperation.

B. Deliberate incompetence over time, combined with deliberate "Hitler, save Democracy, etc." rhetoric to ensure attempts will be made.

C. No intent for malfeasance at all. This is just a valid indication of the level of incompetence in one of our premier professional organizations.

If [C] then who is looking forward to boarding an airplane, crossing a bridge, driving through tunnel, or perhaps even more frightening fighting a war over the next few years?

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What a choice of scenarios.

The USSS is utterly incompetent or some of its personnel were in on a plot to kill a former and future president.

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. The one piece which seems not to be noted is that the shooter KNEW the ideal shooting bench would not be secured. That requires communication of intentional assassination by members of the security team. Sorry, but that's where the facts would lead. And that seems consistent with the desperation of the left to prevent Trump from becoming president.

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Id like to get fingerprints off that ladder and see who put it there...

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Agreed that some of scenarios B and C strain credulity. The only thing I'd add is that certain members of "Conservatives Inc (TM)" are just as unhappy with President Trump as the left, and at some levels they may all be the "global governance party" with different teams in the same league.

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Good point. That pedo that run;s the never Trump er organization called the Lincoln Project has called for the killing of Trump. They have his comment recorded at ispeakfortrump.com.As I said, Trump is in Mortal Danger

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What is it with Never Trumpers and pedophilia?

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18

This is the same government that was trying to invade Trump's home with shoot to kill orders (possible battle against USSS?) when some FBI protested and were overridden. My theory is Trump wasn't there that day because he was tipped off. So I go for A, using B as a cloak for the gullible masses, employing chinks in the Command Control Communication process to make USSS look complicit (unless there were last minute infiltrators on the scene to assist). Even with incompetence, enough bystanders were screaming "GUN!" that Trump should have been taken to safety until the venue was secured. Unless they were not informed. My worry is we'll start seeing "suicides" like after J6 among those in the know. I suggest if his detail had been tipped off, Trump would have been late to that rally (he has been before) until safety was guaranteed.

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I know when I signed on the dotted line almost 40 years ago everything you just said would have been tin foil hat territory for me. That might have even been true 12 years ago, naïf that I am. Now? Entirely possible and perhaps probable,

I am not a fan of what's been done to George and Thomas', Ben's and John's beloved Republic.

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A sloped roof is the proverbial hill the Secret Service director chooses to DEI on.

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She will go down in history for that dumb comment, if history remembers her at all.

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I would fire her just for being dumb and incompetent enough to make that comment.

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That was my thought. Too intellectually challenged to lie convincingly.

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There's "dumb." And then there's shamelessly stupid.

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Most clever.

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To hell with FJB: F.ck Democrat Voters. Every damn one of them, including current, former, retired military.

I want to be friends with a Democrat in 2024 about as much as I wanted to be friends with a Soviet Union communist in 1984. FDV.

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