No, the Rust Belt was created by skyrocketed energy and regulatory compliance costs. Decline of water shipping began with the first railroad, and accelerated with roadbuilding, especially the National Defense Highway Act.
No, the Rust Belt was created by skyrocketed energy and regulatory compliance costs. Decline of water shipping began with the first railroad, and accelerated with roadbuilding, especially the National Defense Highway Act.
Shipping by water is far cheaper than railroads. The additional costs of shipping had a serious effect on the rust belt. It was not the only thing, but it had serious influence as well.
We ship commodities on water, but not finished goods. There's a reason why economic development enthusiasts say Ohio is 24 hours away from 60% of the US/Canada population by truck.
No, the Rust Belt was created by skyrocketed energy and regulatory compliance costs. Decline of water shipping began with the first railroad, and accelerated with roadbuilding, especially the National Defense Highway Act.
Shipping by water is far cheaper than railroads. The additional costs of shipping had a serious effect on the rust belt. It was not the only thing, but it had serious influence as well.
We ship commodities on water, but not finished goods. There's a reason why economic development enthusiasts say Ohio is 24 hours away from 60% of the US/Canada population by truck.