...but, but, but, pollution, carbon emissions, capitalism, greed, etc.

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Of note is the the USA us not even ON the Mership chart.

You've got it right; all of this "green" BS is just that. Gaslighting at best.

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Green is and always has been a useful tool of the Soviets and now China to subvert our industry and national strength.

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A country can decide to be sovereign, or by default decide to be another country's play thing. [I wanted to use a word that used to describe female dogs, but in the interest of being polite, I'll say "play thing". I fully believe in international trade, but that trade can never be an excuse for prostrating ourselves to any other country, especially one as evil as the PRC. PRC actions have been pretty consistent since 1948 - conquer and subjugate using any method that works. As Sal points out, anyone claiming to be The Smartest People in the Room™ aren’t. We don't have to guess at that because the actions of the so-called "best & brightest" and the outcomes of those actions speak for themselves.

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A sobering reminder of how far the west has fallen. I would put in that in the merchant shipping area, we have done it to ourselves with union scale everything.

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Good to know... so is anyone up for the Barbie movie?

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Taking this with yesterday's post on the newest Chinese massive seaport and drydock in CAMBODIA should be a huge wake up to anyone paying attention to this century's "Great Game."

China thinks and plans for the long term, (decades or centuries) with national strategic interests at the core of its decision making. Commercial decisions are driven by, or at least linked to and supportive of, national interests.

American decision making is driven by hoping to win the next two year or four year election cycle by passing out "free stuff" or tugging on emotions to assuage hurt feelings or guilt over suffering somewhere and squandering billions of dollars on nations who hate us. Very damn few of the oppressed people or evil oppressors around the world are a vital U.S. national interest. And very few will be rescued regardless of how much American blood or treasure is expended to civilize people who do not want to be civilized.

Economic actions can be as decisive as military actions, and the self inflicted idiotic obsession with "green" and other environmental crap will bring us to our knees and destroy our nation just as surely as if military strikes wiped out our basic infrastructure in an EMP attack.

The enemy is not just outside the gates, but barricaded in our education establishment, the media, and concentrated in one political party condemning our culture, traditions, economy, and religions. They are successfully imposing self loathing, Marxism, anarchy, class warfare, anti-militarism, depraved notions of sexuality, and socialistic destruction of the means of production under the pretext of some sort of environmental miracle cure to counter the fluctuations of climate and weather.

I see nothing to indicate that China will not replace the U.S. as the dominant world power within the next five to ten years. The recent double downgrade of the U.S. dollar and inevitable rise in interest costs may cause our collapse even sooner.

"A republic, if you can keep it," indeed.

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The general point is sound, but the e xample less so. We are the #3 importer of scrap to recycle, meaning we need more scrap per year than we can find domestically. I'm much less interested in commodities and more interested in what we can and can't do. What can't we do that we need to do in composites? What can't we do and need to do in supercomputing and AI?

We figured out how to go without rubber once. I'd like to know that we have the smarts to figure out how to do anything. That's what gives us our edge. Yes, we need more of some things than the other guy, this isn't one of them.

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Yet more bad news...

This is so much worse than I thought. Is this decline permanent? Is there anyone anywhere left that has the will and ability to change things, or is it just too late??? What hollow shell of the nation we remember are we leaving to our kids and grandkids??

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"a scavenger living off the hard work of previous generations"

A more apt description of the remains of Western Civilization as embodied in the British Isles, Europe, and North America in the early 21st century will be difficult to find.

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The idea is to surrender world dominance to China, why I don't know.

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Great piece.

It seems that the United Kingdom is now an appendage to The City – that one square mile of London between St. Paul’s, the Tower and the Thames where all the financial institutions are located. The rest of the country is for tourists who want to see museums, castles, cathedrals, estates and royal processions.

Hard to believe this is the same country where Sir Henry Bessemer invented the process that bears his name to mass produce steel or Isambard Kingdom Brunel built big iron ships powered by steam and propelled by screws.

What happens to Britain when the rest of the world figures out that it doesn’t even need her financial services? If you can take away the factories and shipyards can you not handle financing, insurance, classification, brokering and chartering?

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To openly eviscerate an enemy nation's ability to produce war materiel, without suffering a single casualty, at a cost of only £70 million, and doing it all with the enemy's deluded approval … now THAT is the kind of warfare that would make Sun Tzu proud.

Those filthy commie bastards have my grudging respect.

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Oh my, it is hard to believe the UK has slipped below the US in merchant ships. I hope your navy is in better shape than ours. That is another day...

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Shocking, chilling! Sold to a Chinese company in 2020. 2020!!! Really? In 2020 they didn't look beyond their own protective masks and the reason for wearing them?

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