Standard English Pronouns are the only ones Badgers know.

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"Ya, ya, Frithrah StBADGER, dese pornouns ese so zorn of Aengleese to speek anow. Like it vair hraka tekkin steppe tru Watership Down after trod by many so loose bowel lendri and other embleer elil for we rabbit of bare hare feet." - Captain Holly (late of the Owslafa)

^ Xi asked moi to pass that along. I think our best bet is to medically retire and pension off those who get a chronic ass-rash from micro-aggressive misgendering pronouns. Or pornouns as Capt. Holly puts it.

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This pronoun business is beyond pathetic.

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No it's not, it is essential to their goals.

"The party controls external reality through the control of the mind, and it controls the mind, through the control of language." Orwell, 1984.

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See User Name

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".... and in the course of the Coastguardian's duties, this Coastguardian went above the call of duty...". That's what award citations will sound like?

And did I give them a stupid idea that will be adopted?

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Xe/xir certainly can't refer to "the member." Too phallic.

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Gender neutrality is a waste of brainpower. First, you must know what you want to say. But then, you must also mentally reprocess the words and meaning in a way such that you say it without using vast swaths of traditional English language, including root words and grammatical constructs with origins in ancient Latin and Greek. So in essence, with gender neutrality you're verbally handicapping yourself. When you analyze it that way, gender neutrality is a sign of enforced ignorance. Which is another way of saying that policymakers who demand gender neutrality are ignorant bullies.

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The problem is you don't always know who your audience is. So if you say, "he lost the plot," you run the risk of offending someone you are attempting to persuade. It's much simpler to go along than to fight, which is, of course part of the problem. I'm all for gay rights, love the gays, but when they force us into mental gymnastics, they've lost the plot.

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how 'bout we all (ALL!) just go back to a classic:

"Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never harm me."

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Appoint a woke Commandant, get a woke Coast Guard.

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Found this prescription (Rx) via Sal’s h/t Alex-URL:


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The current Commandant was confirmed by unanimous consent on 11 May 2022 by the Senate. Not saying any of this is her fault. But it sounds like a team effort. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linda_L._Fagan

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The flag & SES corps are infested with wokesters and cowards. You're absolutely correct.

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Interesting perspective from a gay Marine who now works for the Chicago Police Department...


"A city without a thriving LGB community simply does not count as a city (we’ll hold the “T” thank you very much – as do the silent majority of LGB community members who know this is an Icarus-level narcissistic affront to the very existence of being gay or lesbian, let alone being human)."

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They have the city they voted for.

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We -all- have that city...

What's happening here, and LA, and in NYC, etc. , will have impacts across the entire country.

The LGBQT movement is no different than the Jacobins.

May be just some yawner tv clips right now, but just wait.

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It's already happening to some extent in Fort Worth. But, thus far local conditions are a still a somewhat tempering influence in the areas being gentrified by the new LGBQT crowd escaping the big cities. (Fortunately my local watering hole has been off the radar of the transplants.)

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I don't understand what this means.

You can't use phrases like

"Her heroic actions were a credit . . "

"His knowledge of systems is an asset . . "


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I'm thinking the incoming Spanish speakers may just put a halt to that.

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Because the romance languages are gendered. When we play football, we bring the very feminine soccer ball, "la pelota." But, to get to the field, we ride the masculine train, "el tren." The nouns have gender.

So do the people. If our coach is a woman she is la entrenadora, but if Pep is coaching he is el entrenador.

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So the US will become a Spanish speaking country? Aren't the Spanish, French, Italian languages under the same "gender neutral" siege?

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Become? Here in the land of flowers we've been speaking Spanish since 1565.

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You're dodging the question. What is it about Spanish speakers that will put a halt to "that" as Bear claims?

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OK here we go.

Senora notice the A? That is the feminine.

Senor. That is the Male.

Chico, notice the O that is male.

Chica, Notice the A that is feminine.

They will speak Spanish and they will not change the O, or A that denotes sex/gender.

The name picked by liberal leftists even those Latino/Hispanics is "Latinx" and it is hated by the Latino/Latina (notice the O and A?)

They will ignore the pronoun guerillas.

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I think so. It would be what is known as Tex-Mex a polyglot of Spanish and English with Spanish becoming the predominant language of the US.

We are fast becoming Bi-Lingual.

All by design of the democrat, The republican and the libertarian. Population replacement.

The La Raza are going to move into the nation which if they have their way will be named Atzlan, as it is now they call America La Frontera. Which means the border or The Frontier.

My Grandsons can already converse with Mexican and other Latino/Hispanics in Spanish I have even learned a lot of Spanish.

Of course now I am no expert. Just an observation.

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Central and South America are huge markets for American goods, film and TV. Miami is one of the great cities of the world. The safety of our dollar, the security of our banks and the ability to own real property have made Miami the financial capital of the southern hemisphere. For kids fluent in Spanish and English the world is their oyster. Bienvenido a florida. (Or, if you are a lady, Bienvenida.)

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Because, like the speakers of most Romance Languages, to them every word has a gender. It's a sensibility they may retain, like Slavs forgetting prepositions.

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That's what Tom Yardley said and I refuted because Romance languages are under the same "gender neutral" siege.

Say something else.

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Spanish speakers will ignore the siege and keep on keeping on.

France colonized Mexico, but the Mexican's refused to speak French same with the German's and the Americano. These people are traditionalist they simply won't and you can't make them. These folks are more conservatives and smarter than that.

It simply won't happen has not happened yet.

Learn Spanish. It will help to dispel the Pronoun weenies plans.

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That wasn't a refutation. Contradiction is not a reasoned argument.

The Bear succinctly explained how deeply gendered the romance languages are, and why the "siege" will be quickly drowned in the moats of the castles of Castile.

This gender nonsense is going to pass, it's a just a fad. Too complicated to last. It will fade out soon, and the right wing culture warriors will be off chasing the next woke squirrel.

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OK so the consensus seems to be that romantic languages have built in gender references that are almost insurmountable.

Not clear how that helps an English speaking country.

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Yeah, I'm not understanding what the bromance languages have to do with any of this.

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Bravo! (The reference to the "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" was a great (and apt) touch.)

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While the official usage nonsense is disturbing, actually interacting with service members on a daily basis (across the spectrum of US services) indicates it is more or less being ignored in practice. Which is probably a good thing. Nor have I ever experienced a complaint about traditional usage.

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take off and nuke them from orbit. It's the only way to be sure!

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Unfortunately, the USCG has been becoming wokish for a while. I believe it started when they went to their light blue uniforms so as to be distinguished from the war mongering Navy more easily.

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I was always opposed to uniform changes because they were a PITA. The uniform allowance never covered the cost. Let's make an exception, Flag rank of all Services to switch to a unisex sack cloth muumuu made of burlap and horse hair.

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Great idea. They kinda did it back during the "Flight suit is a real uniform" days, I think.

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Nowadays they wear camouflaged hunting gear in the CIC, so the flight suit seems like a real uniform.

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In my CIC days it was starched and crisply press dungarees and wash khakis. Gah! I can still feel it...getting up in the early A.M. and sticking my legs, one at a time, down that starched trouser leg hole. Oh yeah. Worse mistake I ever made was when I bought 5 sets of tailored gaberdine khakis when I made Chief. What a great uniform that was with the brown shoes (no I wasn't an Aviator), tan socks and black tie. Nobody told me I'd outgrow size 32 trousers in just 3-4 months of eating in the Chief's Mess. Went up to size 36 muy rápida.

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Ugh... I remember the Olden Days. I walked into the Pentagon one time in my crisp and well-tailored SDBs... And walked past this USAF area in which everyone was wearing zoom-bags. With not an aircraft in sight. Oh, they were so proud of their zoom-bags. I think they even starched them (insider joke there, for anyone who never wore the nomex drab).

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In 1989 I was with my LCPO visiting one of our Chiefs in the hospital at Eglin AFB. The Senior Chief and I were in Dress Blues, tooling along shooting the breeze and saw some bum looking guy in overalls and a ballcap crawl out of a dumpster. Then we heard a "HOLD UP THERE!" from behind us. That bum was a crusty old USAF Major in a poopy suit . I reckoned then that he was something like Deck Division Officer. Never saw any sign of rank until he started yelling. But too late. He laid into me and the Senior Chief and berated us and our Navy for being unprofessional, unmilitary, and discourteous. I was a LT, so I put on my guilty face, made no excuses, saluted him and let him sputter to an end. Afterward, I asked the Senior Chief how he rated the ass chewing. He said, "The Navy does it better, Lieutenant." I thanked him. It kind of lightened the mood.

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The famous "Poopy suit."

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Indeed. They are comfortable, practical etc. But as a uniform---definitely poopy.

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UNISEX? Sounds like a peacekeeping deployment....

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you have to wonder if the CCP is worried about pronouns in their military,, appears DoD/DHS is loosing focus on the real issue and competitor..

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A lost campaign CDR.

Best now to develop and sell S/W that will automatically convert FITREPS, Letters, other awards, and bullets into gender neutral miltarese. - At least try and make a buck out of it.

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Sadly, I would imagine ChatGPT is already writing 20% of them

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We are offended (The Royal We). My head is spinning with all of this nonsense. What kind of cuckoo's nest are we living in?

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