Equity means payback for something you never did and oh by the way you aren't included.

Let's not forget the 1619 project whereby slavery becomes America's original sin which can never be washed away thereby demonstrating that the Left is really a religion without a forgiving God. When Hillary used the word "irredeemable" it was not just some slip of the tongue. She meant it.

And the family? That has to be done away with along with terms like Mom and Dad. The Left sees the State as its god and the family stands between the individual and the almighty State. Can't have that.

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That term... "Equity" ... Has a classical sound to it... Latinesque... Legalistic... As if it's a good thing. And indeed, equity can and ought to be a good thing... Because embedded within English Common Law going back many centuries is concept called exactly that: Equity. In olden days, there were Courts of Law and Courts of Equity... Two systems. And in the latter courts, adjudication was governed by venerable Maxims of Equity...

Eg: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maxims_of_equity

In essence, equity was there to rectify mistakes that may have flowed from perhaps a too- rigid application of whatever the "law" might be.

And then there's this: "He who seeks equity must do equity." It's one of the greatest of the old Equity Maxims. And it's where the modern Equity Activists have misused the concept, if not foolishly laid their own trap. Because modern equity (DEI) is at root Marxist class struggle, with the bolt-on of raw, obvious identity politics. Thus we have the paint-by-numbers approach to selection & promotion, certainly in upper reaches of the US Defense Establishment. Along with a bloated bureau of Zampolits to enforce thought control on the underlings.

And Pete... You mentioned Hillary's use of the term "irredeemable." That's a religious concept. It's the idea that someone has done something unforgivable, even in the eyes of God... And who plays God in the Progressive world? Well... The answer helps explain why so many people are so worried about Hegseth, let alone the guy who appointed him. Because an entire, grifting, useless field of social control is about to be cast out, into the thorns of Gehenna.

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Don't bring up English Equity as if it were a good thing. It was not. It was a cesspool.

I love the English Common Law. It was self-government. Trial Judges, who were not lawyers, made decisions based on the actual facts of the cases before them. Jurys, composed of members of the community, made factual determinations and Trial Judges applied the law to those facts. Appeals Court Judges, who were lawyers, reviewed the cases and corrected errors, building the law grain, by tiny grain.

Meanwhile, the English did live under the boot of a King. He was no fan of self-government, so he would wander around doing "justice." Arbitrary justice, the kind Kings love to hand out.

Over the centuries, the King's justice became bureaucratized. First, his Chancellor took on the bulk of cases, then the system of Equity metastasized.

Here is your Equity on an afternoon in 1852. "On such an afternoon, if ever, the Lord High Chancellor ought to be sitting here — as here he is — with a foggy glory round his head, softly fenced in with crimson cloth and curtains, addressed by a large advocate with great whiskers, a little voice, and an interminable brief, and outwardly directing his contemplation to the lantern in the roof, where he can see nothing but fog. On such an afternoon some score of members of the High Court of Chancery bar ought to be — as here they are — mistily engaged in one of the ten thousand stages of an endless cause, tripping one another up on slippery precedents, groping knee-deep in technicalities, running their goat-hair and horsehair warded heads against walls of words and making a pretence of equity with serious faces, as players might. On such an afternoon the various solicitors in the cause, some two or three of whom have inherited it from their fathers, who made a fortune by it, ought to be — as are they not? — ranged in a line, in a long matted well (but you might look in vain for truth at the bottom of it) between the registrar’s red table and the silk gowns, with bills, cross-bills, answers, rejoinders, injunctions, affidavits, issues, references to masters, masters’ reports, mountains of costly nonsense, piled before them. Well may the court be dim, with wasting candles here and there; well may the fog hang heavy in it, as if it would never get out; well may the stained-glass windows lose their colour and admit no light of day into the place; well may the uninitiated from the streets, who peep in through the glass panes in the door, be deterred from entrance by its owlish aspect and by the drawl, languidly echoing to the roof from the padded dais where the Lord High Chancellor looks into the lantern that has no light in it and where the attendant wigs are all stuck in a fog-bank! This is the Court of Chancery, which has its decaying houses and its blighted lands in every shire, which has its worn-out lunatic in every madhouse and its dead in every churchyard, which has its ruined suitor with his slipshod heels and threadbare dress borrowing and begging through the round of every man’s acquaintance, which gives to monied might the means abundantly of wearying out the right, which so exhausts finances, patience, courage, hope, so overthrows the brain and breaks the heart, that there is not an honourable man among its practitioners who would not give — who does not often give — the warning, 'Suffer any wrong that can be done you rather than come here!'”

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Even Judge Jeffreys would have been a joked by Merrick Garland.

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I mean to say shocked

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C’mon Tom. 1852? Queen Victoria was not much of a tyrant.

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Equity was so rotten that it was better to take your losses rather than than to go to court. It is kind of fitting that the DEI industry would choose Equity, a horrifically unjust system of dispute resolution, as their guide.

"Suffer any wrong that can be done you rather than come here!'”

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This had to be an unattributed reference to Charles Dickens.

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Charles Dicken “Bleak House”(1851). Chapter 1.

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Bleak Houses everywhere we look these days.. the halls of the apparatchics stinking of the petty functionaries.

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In the Progressive world the State is God.

When Jesus said render unto God what is God’s and unto Caesar’s what is his He set of an earthquake that went from Jerusalem to Antioch to Damascus to Ephesus to Athens and to Rome itself.

The Romans may not have really believed the old guy on the throne was a god but they sure believed Rome herself was.

And why not? Didn’t Rome provide peace law roads sewers aqueducts games etc? What’s not to like? Who is this carpenter to say otherwise let alone cause problems in the financial district? He had to be humiliated and dealt with.

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Well if that is the working definition of equity (and thank you for clarifying the legal meaning) Hegseth is for some equity.... restoring rank and backpay and position to those who were cast out of the service based on religious and medical discrimination. Restorative justice is my label for it.

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No one is irredeemable. Not even the Thief on the Cross.

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Then why was the devil cast into hell?

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By virtue of rejecting and opposing God and never repenting.. that's how it works and also satan isn't human and doesn't get the same free offer of salvation.

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What comes first to mind in terms of equity is the criminal justice system. If you commit a crime against another person in a civilized society, especially one of violence, then there will be equity and you lose the right to live freely in that society. The only equity for murder is the death penalty carried out swiftly after the trial.

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agree except: there is no system in place today to insure some innocent is not hanged too soon. is hanging an innocent the price to pay for rough and quick justice? Chesterton had some thoughts on this subject, because of this in his day.

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I've been thinking about all the private universities and colleges that are now "stuck" (hey, it was their choice) with over-paid, fancy titled "diversity officers," soaking up budgets and driving donors away. Same goes for the "sustainability officers" and the fatuous "climate change" initiatives. Be on the lookout for title changes and renamed programs as the powers that be try to re-brand DEI and various forms of "green" projects.

Marxism is a helluva drug and comes in many different flavors.

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Regarding U.S. colleges, I was hoping for the first pro-Hamas terrorist rally after 1/20 to be met with night sticks and treason charges afterwards.

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You must be joking. Our elites protect the jihaddies, remember the joihaddie major at FtHood? He's still eating.

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Sal...had no idea about the actions various entities in DoD took against you in the name of DEI. The rest of DoD owes you a sincere debt of gratitude! Hand salute!

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I'll second that!!

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Me too, too.

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Yeah ... DEI. Lessee ... women aren't capable of warfare. They can't become Aircraft Commanders as they can't land aboard ships to get their quals. Blacks can't become officers and captain Commands. Shame! And then those darn immigrants who want to be allowed into our Services. Yep ... you guys are SO correct in your (ridiculous) conjectures about how BAD DEI has become to our Military! Keeps all you White supremacists whining about "Ain't it Awful"!

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Yup DEI says women can be SEALS. That anyone can be an officer even if they read at a 6th grade level as long as they have the right attitude. EQUITY. Sure women can be pilots and the first woman to graduate as a carrier pilot killed herself attempting to land but hell she graduated didn't she. And Blacks must be officers in proportion to the population, and this applies to them as pilots as well. Hell merit is a stupid concept, as obsolete as talent, capability, and excellence. Only racists think in these terms.

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Wait what? Your blog was blocked in DOD? What the…. So they took the ostrich approach of dealing with problems?

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First Person Ostrich is always the primary response mode of the baked-in bureaucrat, driven by a fear of budget reductions even in the face of their purpose being deemed surplus to requirements.

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CDR Sal, everything you say on this topic is an accurate depiction of the current DoD environment. The fact that that "they" went after you for saying it and banned your writings is a powerful indication that you were "over the target". No one is happier than I to see your commitment to the nation's warfighters validated during yesterday's hearings (caution: for the moment!!). Three quotes: "The moral is to the physical as three is to one," Napoleon once said. " God tends to be not on the side of the heavy battalions, but on the best shot (anonymous). Amateurs study tactics, professionals study logistics (Clausewitz). Right now we are outnumbered and outgunned, so we have to fight harder and smarter than the other guy. Let us hope we are in the beginning of restoring "warrior ethos, fighting spirit, duty, honor, country, service before self, etc. as more than empty phrases. This was indeed "a near run thing" and is by no means "a battle won." BZ Sir!

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I have never watched a senate confirmation hearing before but I watched this one from beginning to end. Pete was awesome! Cannot wait to see him confirmed and see the DoD rid off the DEI proponents, especially within the Navy. I've had to explain to non-military friends and family the negative impact DEI has had on the military. Recently I said listen to Pete and then multiply that times 10 because he couldn't say what he and we really know in the hearing.

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That's why they hate him... Why they threw everything at him... The Clarence Thomas treatment... The Brett Kavanaugh treatment... Then again, it was the standard playbook... Women & alcohol... It's where the other side comes from.

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He better have a hammer and chisel. The barnacles are thick and the Teredo worms dug in deep.

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You go, Sal! Payback's a bitch—let's hope the ne'er-do-wells are drowned in an ocean of it!

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This is not the end of cancerous DEI and its saboteur agents. Maybe not even the beginning of the end, but it certain is the end of the beginning. As a very wise and unapologetic advocate of military strength once noted.

When people are fired, offices closed, billets eliminated, directives canceled, funding ended we will know things are actually happening. When some slimy creatures spreading their evil policies with subterfuge and clever word games are summarily fired and publicly shamed, we will know we are winning. When the inevitable lawsuits and media charges of racist/sexist/homophobe are immediately rejected and fought tooth and nail instead of meekly surrendering, we will be close to victory.

When morale and recruiting improves, we will see real results.

Bravo, Hegseth and team. Equality counts and wins!

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I suggest that the anti-DEI mission will not be complete until its advocates (re: everyone currently in those billets) are publicly identified, and their fitreps reflect that they are not suitable for promotion.

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Put them at the vanguard of the fighting force. Give them the honor of showing how warrior like they are and how there is equality and strength in diversity. Then, the units w/ real esprit de corps, and a lack of passion for racial divides but rather a common goal, diversity of skills and a hunger to win will show them the way.

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Treat the DEI-er's as redeemable. Retrain them to do useful, meaningful work and re-channel their enthusiasm in sea billets. I am there are plenty of Sea Daddy mentors still out there to show them the way.

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Yeah, always negotiate with cancer; moderate with the extremists; rationalize with fanatics. You can show them the true way. Just as they did with all those troops who refused the death jab. And all those who refused the death jab on religious grounds. They are redeemable. They have demonstrated their positions repeatedly. How can you doubt them or their positions?

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Sometimes I flail at sarcasm. Other times I fail. ☺

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Thank you for an uplifting DIVTHUR. I join you in hoping that the new broom(s) will indeed sweep clean, and that our military can return to its proper purpose.

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Grasshopper, Every journey starts with a single step

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See Bambi vs Godzilla.

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As I wrote a couple months ago, my daughter was an instructor at Great Lakes, forced to witness drug testing. Okay.

But in that was the authorization of a trans person (man with equipment) to request a female witness because he thought he was a she.

This absurdity has to stop.

Some years ago I helped with the commissioning of a submarine.

In a lighter moment discussing ‘don’t ask don’t tell’ I suggested that there will be guys in female uniforms manning the rails.

The CO and XO pushed back because of ‘uniform regulations’ which would prevent this.

I was right.

In fairness anecdotally most gay sailors are not putting on opposite gender clothing. I’m hearing they want nothing to do with the trans community.

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For many years the LGB people said they wanted to be allowed to live and love as they pleased. They got it. Some pushed the theater district limits, but an overwhelming majority of society no longer believes they should be in prison for what they do with consenting adults in the privacy of their homes.

Then the T people (and the rest of the "QAPR2S+whatever" people) said "We're with them! Respect my delusions! Trans your kids! We're just like them!"

And the LGB people (many of whom really are relatively normal in societal outlook) said "Holy Crap; these people are nuts, and they want to hurt children with their delusions. Not only are they nuts, but if we allow ourselves to be associated with them, regular LGB people like us are going to end up back in the prisons, or worse!"

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The most disturbing comment is the idea that free speech was banned by the DOD.

That’s despicable. That decision maker needs to be walked out the door.

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There is a valid argument to be made that at DoD in particular, people should be working, and not looking at any websites outside of actual DoD resources, but this was not that argument. It was pure partisan censorship.

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The DOD banned web sites. Now explain to us why that isn't banning free speech.

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I have no doubt Hegseth will be confirmed. I"m concerned that he doesn't have enough staff to combat the push-back. Does he have enough people in his corner, the career civil service clerk, mid-level manager, the specialist, that can and will implement the necessary changes, and most importantly identify & root-out the subversives from within. We already know they exist, they're quite proud of who they are and in many instance have a hard time keeping a lid on their intentions. Does Hegseth's staff and those in support have the bandwidth and the manpower to go to war with these people?

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That was my first beginning-to-end veiw of a confirmation hearing. As a spectacle, and clear showing of what both sides found important, it didn't dissappoint. I didn't like to hear that he might be on the unmanned bandwagon, but, hopefully saner heads will guide him. Overall, I think he will be a good candidate for fixing some of the big issues DOD faces, and his clear stance on DEI is a breath of fresh air...

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This is not the end, but at best is the end of the beginning.

They don't rest in implementing their ideology, so we cannot rest in pushing back.

The important thing to note is our missions, in peace and war, require unity of purpose. I cannot understand how splitting people into groups, and demanding certain groups receive attention others do not gives an organization unity of purpose. All it will do is divide them, and turn a functioning organization into cliques.

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thank you for our continuing voice i the wilderess, although the wildnerness seems to be under effecive attack from rationality and realism these days, and the "gimmiecrat intimidators" being forced to eat some of their own garbage. Bon Appetit, mo-fos! As a 1937 product, I don't expect to enjoy a lot more of what is to come in this vein, but the spirit will hover for as long as our counter-attack persists, perhaps to victory! We-uns pass the torch in full confidence that there are many Hegspeths out there, waiting to be 'next man up.'

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