I'd vote for this - a threat to sink every ship in the Iranian Navy if the hostages aren't released by X, and X means soon. You hit Iran where you can't hurt civilians, who despise their regime, so you reduce the risk of turning the civilians against us. Even as small as it is, their Navy is still an important asset to the regime. Hittin…
I'd vote for this - a threat to sink every ship in the Iranian Navy if the hostages aren't released by X, and X means soon. You hit Iran where you can't hurt civilians, who despise their regime, so you reduce the risk of turning the civilians against us. Even as small as it is, their Navy is still an important asset to the regime. Hitting back at proxies - what does this do?
Heck, end an Iranian Air Force base for all I care. But take out an asset that matters to Iran. The proxies are useful idiots to the Mullahs. And sacrificial lambs.
I second your motion. But first, a Bravo Zulu to the crew of Carney. Quick action, apparently well executed. As Sal points out, the Houthis likely had no idea that we had an asset in place to shoot down their birds. And right after finding out about the fate of said birds, there was probably an “Oh, crap!” moment in Yemen. The Houthis are pretty well hanging out in the breeze as regards a sea or airborne assault. There is nothing but sand all around, i.e., clear approaches and fields of fire. A Ranger company should be able to eliminate Yemen as a point of future attacks fairly easily. Doing so has several benefits: removal of a piece from the conflict board, deconfliction of U.S. action from the so-called “Palestinian refugees”, and a clear sign to the Persian-based “12th Imam” crowd that we can play chess as well (think in terms of eliminating that pesky rook or bishop).
I am not at all shocked that Persians would consider Arabs as merely collateral damage in their efforts to destroy all Jews, especially these Arabs. “Palestinians” were never recognized as a legitimate national or ethnic group by the Ottoman Empire. Aside from an insulting reference by the Romans when they began referring to the area as Palestinia following the Wars of the Maccabees, “Palestinians” have only existed in anyone’s mind since the disastrous machinations of American, British, and French politicians during and following WWI. The 1948 Israeli war of independence left Jordan and Egypt with a group of people that neither country wanted. Instead of living with a two state solution, five Arabic countries tried to eliminate Israel as a country and finish the Third Reich’s attempts at genocide. Those five countries outright cheated all of the affected Arabs out of a peaceful life. In the early days of the 20th century, property owners in Damascus and other large cities sold the farm land they owned to Jewish immigrants, thus dispossessing the current Arab farmers trying to just make a living. And they have been cheating them ever since by using them as pawns. Cheat someone and get away with it, and you’ll quickly realize you can do anything you want to those people.
We must assume Saudis would not approve of houthis missiles in their airspace, hence must fly up the Red sea. But in this era of video how could hourhis not know carney was in flight path? Why would they waist missiles etc. What were they testing?
The U.S. COA in Afghanistan as never clearly defined. Just fluffy “nation building” with no foundation. Hence, twenty plus unproductive years spent wasting people, treasure, and elsewhere opportunities. Yemen COULD be a straight two week in and out if we let warriors make and execute the plan. Otherwise, you would be entirely correct and I would be responsible for another twenty years of body bags.
I'd vote for this - a threat to sink every ship in the Iranian Navy if the hostages aren't released by X, and X means soon. You hit Iran where you can't hurt civilians, who despise their regime, so you reduce the risk of turning the civilians against us. Even as small as it is, their Navy is still an important asset to the regime. Hitting back at proxies - what does this do?
Heck, end an Iranian Air Force base for all I care. But take out an asset that matters to Iran. The proxies are useful idiots to the Mullahs. And sacrificial lambs.
Khark Island or
"In 2011 Iran's refineries had a combined capacity of 1.457 Mbbl/d (231,600 m3/d). The largest refineries have the following capacities: Abadan, 350,000 bbl/d (56,000 m3/d); Esfahan, 284,000 bbl/d (45,200 m3/d); Bandar-e Abbas, 232,000 bbl/d (36,900 m3/d); Tehran, 220,000 bbl/d (35,000 m3/d); Arak, 170,000 bbl/d (27,000 m3/d); and Tabriz, 100,000 bbl/d (16,000 m3/d)"
But we'd need a SPR and more US production...
"But we'd need a SPR and more US production.."
That's not going to happen until the Dems are out of the white house
I wouldn't shed any tears if an accident at Kharg Island shut down Iranian Oil Exports for 10 months or so.
I second your motion. But first, a Bravo Zulu to the crew of Carney. Quick action, apparently well executed. As Sal points out, the Houthis likely had no idea that we had an asset in place to shoot down their birds. And right after finding out about the fate of said birds, there was probably an “Oh, crap!” moment in Yemen. The Houthis are pretty well hanging out in the breeze as regards a sea or airborne assault. There is nothing but sand all around, i.e., clear approaches and fields of fire. A Ranger company should be able to eliminate Yemen as a point of future attacks fairly easily. Doing so has several benefits: removal of a piece from the conflict board, deconfliction of U.S. action from the so-called “Palestinian refugees”, and a clear sign to the Persian-based “12th Imam” crowd that we can play chess as well (think in terms of eliminating that pesky rook or bishop).
I am not at all shocked that Persians would consider Arabs as merely collateral damage in their efforts to destroy all Jews, especially these Arabs. “Palestinians” were never recognized as a legitimate national or ethnic group by the Ottoman Empire. Aside from an insulting reference by the Romans when they began referring to the area as Palestinia following the Wars of the Maccabees, “Palestinians” have only existed in anyone’s mind since the disastrous machinations of American, British, and French politicians during and following WWI. The 1948 Israeli war of independence left Jordan and Egypt with a group of people that neither country wanted. Instead of living with a two state solution, five Arabic countries tried to eliminate Israel as a country and finish the Third Reich’s attempts at genocide. Those five countries outright cheated all of the affected Arabs out of a peaceful life. In the early days of the 20th century, property owners in Damascus and other large cities sold the farm land they owned to Jewish immigrants, thus dispossessing the current Arab farmers trying to just make a living. And they have been cheating them ever since by using them as pawns. Cheat someone and get away with it, and you’ll quickly realize you can do anything you want to those people.
Your comment is thought provoking...
We must assume Saudis would not approve of houthis missiles in their airspace, hence must fly up the Red sea. But in this era of video how could hourhis not know carney was in flight path? Why would they waist missiles etc. What were they testing?
Or they shot at Carney and saying so serves absolutely no purpose to us at present.
Conjecture. They shot at something that they wanted to hit.
Not a ship.
Within 5" gun range. Pretty convenient.
". A Ranger company should be able to eliminate Yemen as a point of future attacks fairly easily"
Just like they eliminated Afghanistan as a point of future attacks, eh?
The U.S. COA in Afghanistan as never clearly defined. Just fluffy “nation building” with no foundation. Hence, twenty plus unproductive years spent wasting people, treasure, and elsewhere opportunities. Yemen COULD be a straight two week in and out if we let warriors make and execute the plan. Otherwise, you would be entirely correct and I would be responsible for another twenty years of body bags.
As the same types of policy people appear to be in charge, I'd expect your last sentence to come to fruition again.
It's always the same types of policy people, left or right. Strategerists gotta strategerize, pundits gotta pun.........