First, Iran is not a monolith. It is ruled by a religious dictatorship, but, there are normal folks like you and me, only they live under the boot of a religious tyrant. We should be cautious, careful and prudent in our dealings with Iran.
Second, what do the mullahs want? We should make sure they don't get it. This war popped up because …
First, Iran is not a monolith. It is ruled by a religious dictatorship, but, there are normal folks like you and me, only they live under the boot of a religious tyrant. We should be cautious, careful and prudent in our dealings with Iran.
Second, what do the mullahs want? We should make sure they don't get it. This war popped up because Iran is desperately trying to avoid Israel's rapprochement with the wider Arab world. If the Saudis recognise Israel as a nation it is game over. Israel and the House of Saud were close to making steps to this goal when this war broke out. Coincidence? Nah.
Iran’s intelligence and security forces have been committing horrific acts of torture, including beatings, flogging, electric shocks, rape and other sexual violence against child protesters as young as 12 to quell their involvement in protests. "I was forced to say what they wanted because they raped me with a hosepipe. They were taking my hand and forcibly making me fingerprint the papers," a boy who was detained by state agents told his mother.
In 1978 the populace was tired of the Shah Iran’s intelligence and security forces committing horrific acts of torture, including beatings, flogging, electric shocks, rape......
Anyone remember Jimmy Carter's Ambassador to the U.N., Andrew Young? From the NYT February 8, 1979:
"Andrew Young, the chief United States delegate to the United Nations, praised Islam yesterday as 'a vibrant cultural force in today's world' and said that Ayatollah RuhoBah Khomeini, the Iranian Islamic leader, would eventually be hailed as 'a saint.'”
First, Iran is not a monolith. It is ruled by a religious dictatorship, but, there are normal folks like you and me, only they live under the boot of a religious tyrant. We should be cautious, careful and prudent in our dealings with Iran.
Second, what do the mullahs want? We should make sure they don't get it. This war popped up because Iran is desperately trying to avoid Israel's rapprochement with the wider Arab world. If the Saudis recognise Israel as a nation it is game over. Israel and the House of Saud were close to making steps to this goal when this war broke out. Coincidence? Nah.
I know, right? I'd bet in 1946 nobody had ever actually voted for Hitler. Especially if you asked them.
Iran’s intelligence and security forces have been committing horrific acts of torture, including beatings, flogging, electric shocks, rape and other sexual violence against child protesters as young as 12 to quell their involvement in protests. "I was forced to say what they wanted because they raped me with a hosepipe. They were taking my hand and forcibly making me fingerprint the papers," a boy who was detained by state agents told his mother.
In 1946 nobody admitted to voting for Hitler.
In 1978 the populace was tired of the Shah Iran’s intelligence and security forces committing horrific acts of torture, including beatings, flogging, electric shocks, rape......
what is your point?
I have the same level of sympathy for Iranians as I do the citizens of Dresden.
What about the American authors in Dresden?
What about the POW on the hellships? 🤔
Then Came Carter, James Carter who decided to protect the Shah and here we are.
Actually, our boy Jimmy pretty much forced the Shah to bring the Ayatollah back to Iran.
Anyone remember Jimmy Carter's Ambassador to the U.N., Andrew Young? From the NYT February 8, 1979:
"Andrew Young, the chief United States delegate to the United Nations, praised Islam yesterday as 'a vibrant cultural force in today's world' and said that Ayatollah RuhoBah Khomeini, the Iranian Islamic leader, would eventually be hailed as 'a saint.'”
Young was also instrumental in getting Robert Mugabe in to power in Zimbabwe. Still, Carter is not our worst President.
Not anymore
I am willing to bet in the late 30's the German Jews voted for Hitler.
I 'll take a piece of that bet.
Me too. I guess he's never heard of Kristallnacht.