> None of this would happen without Iran’s backing, money, weapons, and larger network of proxies that all form different fingers of a fist aimed at Israel.
And none of this would happen without America's backing, money, larger weapons, and smaller network of proxies directed at Tehran!
Look, all the support we give the IDF, and yet stil…
> None of this would happen without Iran’s backing, money, weapons, and larger network of proxies that all form different fingers of a fist aimed at Israel.
And none of this would happen without America's backing, money, larger weapons, and smaller network of proxies directed at Tehran!
Look, all the support we give the IDF, and yet still they take their orders from Bibi, not Biden. We cajole, not control; we have influence but it's not unlimited.
Forget that Iran deals with the same complexities in it's relationship with Hamas, and that invites miscalculation.
Which gets to my real beef with "none of this would happen" as a claim. If the President of the United States and the Supreme Leader of Iran met and made an agreement for both to simply withdraw from the whole Israel/Palestine conflict—and both those leaders referred the agreement their respective democratic assemblies—and both those assemblies ratified the agreement, which became a treaty—and both sides honored the treaty—if all those things happened, this would still be happening!
In fact, what does the front porch think is more achievable? The things I've described? Or bringing peace to the Holy Land?
> None of this would happen without Iran’s backing, money, weapons, and larger network of proxies that all form different fingers of a fist aimed at Israel.
And none of this would happen without America's backing, money, larger weapons, and smaller network of proxies directed at Tehran!
Look, all the support we give the IDF, and yet still they take their orders from Bibi, not Biden. We cajole, not control; we have influence but it's not unlimited.
Forget that Iran deals with the same complexities in it's relationship with Hamas, and that invites miscalculation.
Which gets to my real beef with "none of this would happen" as a claim. If the President of the United States and the Supreme Leader of Iran met and made an agreement for both to simply withdraw from the whole Israel/Palestine conflict—and both those leaders referred the agreement their respective democratic assemblies—and both those assemblies ratified the agreement, which became a treaty—and both sides honored the treaty—if all those things happened, this would still be happening!
In fact, what does the front porch think is more achievable? The things I've described? Or bringing peace to the Holy Land?