Bin Laden is dead. Al Qaeda is not a nation state threatening war. Iran is a nation state that has killed Americans with near impunity and threatens to kill American citizens.
Bin Laden is dead. Al Qaeda is not a nation state threatening war. Iran is a nation state that has killed Americans with near impunity and threatens to kill American citizens.
I hate to keep harping on the whole ”lesser evil” thing, but isn't Iran a nation state where Americans who are taken hostage are kept alive instead of being murdered?
The idea that 'Iran is a lesser evil' is part of why the Obama admin tried to empower them as a counter to Israel.
It's foolish. Yes, Sunni extremism is a major problem. But Iranian extremism is as well, and has killed almost as many, if not more, Americans, in the decades since the Iranian revolution as Sunni extremism has.
NEITHER is acceptable. The difference is that the Sunni states at least make an effort on the surface to stop Sunni extremism, whereas in Iran the state IS the source of the extremism.
So, with the Sunni's, while there is no doubt significant support within the Gulf states for the extremism, there is also cooperation with our government and intel agencies, allowing for a degree of success in combatting that extremism.
The Sunni extremists, for the most part, are stateless, except for their new(again) base in Afghanistan, courtesy of President Sniffy.
And Iran is far shrewder. Unlike the Sunni extremists, Iran has shown a willingness to work WITH and use Sunni extremists as proxies in their end goals.
See, Sunni extremism got caught up in their hate for the US and west, and lost sight of the Arab Israeli conflict.
Iran HATES the US, but they recognize that most Muslims DON'T have blind hatred of the US (heck, many want to immigrate here).
But Iran knows that nearly all Muslims HATE Israel and so their support can be garnered by focusing on attacks against Israel, which they know will draw in the US, but by then the global Uma will already be clearly on Iran and Hamas' side.
Bin Laden is dead. Al Qaeda is not a nation state threatening war. Iran is a nation state that has killed Americans with near impunity and threatens to kill American citizens.
I hate to keep harping on the whole ”lesser evil” thing, but isn't Iran a nation state where Americans who are taken hostage are kept alive instead of being murdered?
Or should that be 'the' instead of 'a'?
Iran, North Korea? Such errant little children that shall self-immolate if they FAFO.
Taken Hostages for 400 plus days is kinder?
I respectfully disagree with your analysis.
The idea that 'Iran is a lesser evil' is part of why the Obama admin tried to empower them as a counter to Israel.
It's foolish. Yes, Sunni extremism is a major problem. But Iranian extremism is as well, and has killed almost as many, if not more, Americans, in the decades since the Iranian revolution as Sunni extremism has.
NEITHER is acceptable. The difference is that the Sunni states at least make an effort on the surface to stop Sunni extremism, whereas in Iran the state IS the source of the extremism.
So, with the Sunni's, while there is no doubt significant support within the Gulf states for the extremism, there is also cooperation with our government and intel agencies, allowing for a degree of success in combatting that extremism.
The Sunni extremists, for the most part, are stateless, except for their new(again) base in Afghanistan, courtesy of President Sniffy.
And Iran is far shrewder. Unlike the Sunni extremists, Iran has shown a willingness to work WITH and use Sunni extremists as proxies in their end goals.
See, Sunni extremism got caught up in their hate for the US and west, and lost sight of the Arab Israeli conflict.
Iran HATES the US, but they recognize that most Muslims DON'T have blind hatred of the US (heck, many want to immigrate here).
But Iran knows that nearly all Muslims HATE Israel and so their support can be garnered by focusing on attacks against Israel, which they know will draw in the US, but by then the global Uma will already be clearly on Iran and Hamas' side.
Extremely well said. Cheers