Tough call, CDR. Glad you are in charge. Rocks & glass houses, schadenfreude at fiery self-immolations, superiorizing smugness, serial littering & slantendicular inanities, rubber necking traffic accidents, gratuitous self-amusement must be balanced with adult leadership. Leastways, running this place is nowhere near like being the janitor at a Big City ER. The civility and content here is very high. BZ.
perhaps a limit on numbers of comments or replies one can make on each post? seems online arguments often ensue, with no one actually submitting much more than name calling sometimes. it's disconcerting, distracting from subject.
I know. I'm tempted to delete or ban them, but in some ways it is helpful just to see it and know it is there.
Tough call, CDR. Glad you are in charge. Rocks & glass houses, schadenfreude at fiery self-immolations, superiorizing smugness, serial littering & slantendicular inanities, rubber necking traffic accidents, gratuitous self-amusement must be balanced with adult leadership. Leastways, running this place is nowhere near like being the janitor at a Big City ER. The civility and content here is very high. BZ.
perhaps a limit on numbers of comments or replies one can make on each post? seems online arguments often ensue, with no one actually submitting much more than name calling sometimes. it's disconcerting, distracting from subject.
Half the population has below average intelligence. It is good to be reminded of that every now and then.
below average or below median? I get them confused; must be in the lower half regardless!
It's fun on occasion to troll the trolls. (Alphacheck, where art thou?)