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I do not believe the "do jobs that Americans won't do" argument. The larger labor force depresses wages.

I do not believe that without massive uneducated immigration we'd all be sitting around in dilapidated houses with overgrown lawns, allowing our yards to return to the wilderness and starving to death because no one will cook our food for us.

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Americans have become entitled & decadent. For example: "Felbab-Brown explains that many of the jobs occupied by undocumented workers in the United States are physically demanding jobs that Americans do not want, such as gutting fish or work on farm fields." (https://www.brookings.edu/articles/do-immigrants-steal-jobs-from-american-workers/). The wages that you'd have to pay Americans to do the menial and/or physically demanding jobs that immigrants do would result in huge increases in the costs of those services & products. Americans are addicted to low prices & having to pay $10 for a head of lettuce or $100/day for lawn care would quickly put those goods & services out of reach to a broad swath of the American populace. Additionally, cost increases of that magnitude would further fuel inflationary pressures.

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My thought is that despite their dependency, people would actually do these jobs if other people found them necessary, and/or the labor force is starving.

edit, also a lot of these things used to be done by people themselves. When I was a kid only the rich had people to maintain their yards for them, etc.

I agree we've become unconscionably soft, but the only way to fix that is to remove the ability to be so. We're doing that now whether we want to or not, but along the way we've added 10% to our population that do not consider themselves Americans, do not value our Constitution, and have no particular desire to embrace traditional American values of freedom and self-determination.

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Perhaps, but with the generous 'safety nets' available to most people, there's no incentive to do any job they can find. Plus it's really hard to job hunt for a good job when you're busy doing a crap job.

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Even if your scenario were true, how many additional people do we need to import to fill those jobs? We also already have programs to fill those jobs. The system is NOT broken, it's just that those in charge of the system are incompetent and/or too cowardly to enforce it.

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" The larger labor force depresses wages. ..."

Racist, xenophobic, greedy, capitalist right-wing extremist!!

Oops, almost forgot---Trump loving MAGAt!

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"Who's scruffy lookin'?"

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