Very similar to the old LMET they used to make all Navy Enlisted Petty Officers attend before being eligible for Chief.

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I attended an aviation safety class at Monterey years ago when BIORYTHMS were all the rage. I knew it was BS from the first but they were giving masters degrees in the stuff, Japan Airlines was scheduling crews based on that insanity. Not much has changed in the world ! Now the crazies are trying to saves us from CO2 by spending a fortune on capturing the gas and burying it in salt domes. We are a ship of fools with no rudder!!! It is a TRACE GAS in the atmosphere that is essential for plant life: makes O2 for us to breathe!!!!!

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“The more he talked of his honor the faster we counted our spoons.”–Ralph Waldo Emerson

The pinnacle of bad leadership that I experienced in the Army was under a commander whose Assumption of Command speech emphasized "loyalty", "honor", and "accountability".

He was a backstabbing POS, who came to be universally loathed by everyone in the battalion who was either subordinate or even vaguely adjacent. The Infantry units we supported made him a running joke, because of what a suck-up he was, and how many times he tried slipping the shiv into the backs of whatever Infantry commanders it became necessary to discard. For him, loyalty went in one direction--Up. You owed him, he didn't owe you shit.

The man made full Colonel, later in his career, so it must have worked. I lost track of how many junior officers he screwed over, and who left the Army in disgust. From what I observed of the man, a West Point graduate, I have to conclude that the Army's rubric for selecting commanders was seriously flawed. Which explains so much about the state it is in, today.

Don't think we're coming back from this one, boys; they're gonna have to burn the institution down to the bedrock to clean it up, and start over fresh from first principles.

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