Or how could SAIC/BAE sit there and propose, sell and drag out production and modification of the ACV, when anyone who bothered to look at even the most high-level war-planning could see that it was never going to be able to be used for it's intended purpose.
A high-tech, very capable, USELESS tool. We will make plenty of pretty videos of…
Or how could SAIC/BAE sit there and propose, sell and drag out production and modification of the ACV, when anyone who bothered to look at even the most high-level war-planning could see that it was never going to be able to be used for it's intended purpose.
A high-tech, very capable, USELESS tool. We will make plenty of pretty videos of Marines charging ashore in training simulations, and I'm sure we will deploy them somewhere in another pointless brush-war, but it will NEVER be used to assault a defended position from the sea.
Or how could SAIC/BAE sit there and propose, sell and drag out production and modification of the ACV, when anyone who bothered to look at even the most high-level war-planning could see that it was never going to be able to be used for it's intended purpose.
A high-tech, very capable, USELESS tool. We will make plenty of pretty videos of Marines charging ashore in training simulations, and I'm sure we will deploy them somewhere in another pointless brush-war, but it will NEVER be used to assault a defended position from the sea.
See my recent analysis (shameless plug, I know)