Hmm? Could be, ...could be....

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Or a False Flag op?

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Meanwhile, SCOTUS justices face false flag ops, with their own nations compliant "free" press no less. Looks like both ops used cheap Soviet era fuses long past storage expiration dates; Where's the big boom? There was supposed to be a big boom.

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Was that really an explosive, or more of an incendiary device? If you watch the video, the thing doesn’t even perturb the flag and flagpole right next to it, and appears to cause no damage to the structure right underneath it. It seems as if the only function the device actually served was to be filmed.

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I think you're right. There sure wasn't any noteworthy kaboom with this thing, either. I'm betting it served no purpose than to puff out a fireball for somebody filming on an adjacent roof.

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May 4, 2023·edited May 4, 2023

Problem is, Russian history is just crazy enough to think they will justify this as a reason to deliver a tactical nuke to an address in Kyiv.

And just to throw a little more uncertainty and rancor into conversation? What's Seymour saying about it?

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There is that, probably not a nuke but something quite lethal.

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Once again, it feels like things are spinning out of control, and World War III is going to happen.

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Aren't the adults in charge now?

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I just think that controlling a drone over heavily-defended Moscow is unlikely given the EW environment and communication challenges. And, Moscow is under the FSB's control. The Ukrainians are unlikely to risk any human assets there on silliness.

Anything's possible, but I have to go with false flag.

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My money definitely is NOT on a false flag.

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Why would the Ukrainians do this now?

It embarrassed Zelensky in Finland.

It serves up the rationale for yet more Russian brutality.

Puts friction between Ukr and and its allies... likely just healed up after the Kerch bridge...just as they are about to begin their offensive.

Nothing...absolutely nothing... makes sense for this being a Ukrainian operation.

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I agree with you, it's not the Ukrainians either.

But a false flag with the pomp and circumstances of a bottle rocket in a city the Russians have made clear to be well defended makes little sense as well.

If it WAS an attempt at a false flag, it wasn't significant enough to "rally the kind of domestic support" some are saying it was meant to if it were

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Hare brained idea from someone in Langley. Someone is probably standing on a carpet explaining this stupidity while others are vigorously working to cover it up.

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Me too, This opens up a Pandora's box and there are people in Ukraine who are using banned weapons without control from their own military and government.

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Given that the Russians tried for the Ukrainian leadership on day one, I think this was just a message that the reverse was possible as well

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First strike on day one of a battle/war is to DECAP the other sides leadership, you go for 3C if you don't kill the leaders you drive them to ground and they lie low it degrade their operational control and response time.

I doubt they tried to target Ukraine's political leadership though.

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I think Ukraine supplied the drones to Russians. I don't think they flew the whole way from Kyiv.

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Deep Ukrainian infiltration teams.

Saboteurs inside Russia and made up of their anti-war factions.

Just some Highly skill kids playing games.

Or as some here suggest, a false Flag.

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As a practical matter, the drones don't appear very large, so they must have short range.

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The reference to the Bristol Beaufighter morale-boosting raid on Paris...

If aircraft have their own spirits, I can imagine the A-10 Warhog and Bristol Beaufighter spirits becoming good friends and sharing many pints at the pub...

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Took big brass ones to fly the Beaufighter.


Note the takeoff procedure.

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Putin engineered apartment house bombings in September 1999 that killed more than 300 and injured 1000+ so he could go to war with Chechnya & prove himself a strong leader He's fond of false flag operations. This looks like classic Volodya.

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May 4, 2023·edited May 4, 2023

Very likely CIA behind this. Now the Little Cokehead is scared and won't leave Finland.

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You should get a job cleaning out the sumps at a pig farm Billy...

You like to shovel that stuff our way.

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Dirty job, someone has to do it. Don't be a snob and look down on it.

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He has to leave, for somewhere.

That route will cross into the borders of Ukraine and it becomes a target.

By Air, Sea or ground he has to travel and he will never be free to travel again safetly.

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Russians won't martyr him. He's an irritating little prick, probably as irritating to both sides.

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So you are a Russian citizen, living in Russia and have gone about polling and asking your fellow Russians If they hate Putin or their war in Ukraine?

If not then all you have to go on Billy is what we have to go on, supposition, extrapolation, western Media, Propaganda, tall tales and myth.

I guarantee, hated or not, irritating or not if Ukraine terminated Putin the Russian government and people would Martyr him and use it as a reason to declare war, total unrestricted war on Ukraine.

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Ukraine didn't terminate Putin, so your argument is invalid.

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May 4, 2023·edited May 4, 2023

While the Smart Money may not be on a False Flag...

One evolution the post Soviet Russians have demonstrated some skill in is False Flag ops.

And Putin is the acknowledged maestro.


Deeper look by Satter here:


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CDR, I hope you're planning on dropping a line for DivThur on the Navy's impressive new digital ambassador.

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I think the subject has been covered quite well by other platforms by now. In any event, "I told you so" won't do all that much.

One thing that has bothered me about this is that I don't fault the Yeomen himself (he was encouraged for years to bring his private life into the workspace, a private life I really don't care about) - I fault the CNO and the environment he created, the people he promotes, and the people who know he is afraid of - for creating an environment where this isn't just thought of as a good idea, it is promoted. Any healthy command climate would have allowed someone to come in to say, "Sir, this will discourage more people than it will encourage to join the Navy."

No, I have something else for today. It will go up before lunch and I would argue is more important.

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I was amused by no one flagging his claimed intervention of a suicide attempt and how his being gay keeps people from feeling lonely. - The Navy wonders about the suicide and harassment rates while ignoring this crap.

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