Question 1: What happened to the ships of the disestablished MPSRON 1? Question 2: Thinking of Desert Shield, do we still have anything that resembles a reserve fleet?

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Mar 13·edited Mar 13

CDR - you forget the MCPP-N gear in Norway. A MEB worth if I remember correctly.

Or is that gone to?

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MPSRON 2 was thinning out if I am not mistaken. Some of the ships are in ROS. They left DGAR. Not sure if they were replaced.

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“If we are going to be the force of first, middle, and last resort - which everyone including ourselves seems content to be - then shouldn’t we make an effort to at least be smart about it?

WHY!!? Why is it our responsibility any longer? Where is our interest to be the worlds policeman? Being the guardian of the “rules based order” is a fool’s errand. Cui Bono? I’m done supporting the WEF and the European cucks that are allowing their children and women to be raped while committing cultural suicide.

We are bailing our own ship of state full of water and we are giving our seawater pumps to others who are incapable or unwilling to bail themselves.

China is coming for us. We simply need to focus like a laser and specifically on that threat.

Yes they indeed “keep lying to us”. So why would we continue to carry their water!?

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Im not a fan of forward deployments, but forward-prepositioned material is another matter! Seems like Souda Bay couldve/wouldve been a decent place to park a few ships full of worthwhile items. Theres room. Last time I pulled in, there were not-so long ago retired Fletcher-class ships in the bay doing reserve or pre-scrapping duty...

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Where is Herr Neuhardt today one might ask. Why (of course) he would seem to be providing pro bono legal services to immigrants, er... downtrodden asylee wannabees. https://www.linkedin.com/in/michael-neuhardt-79414258

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The writers words have never been more pertinent. Its just comon sense that putting your heavy gear close to the action in peacetime bests doing it stalked by the "silent service" when the shoooting starts is good. America IS a maritime nation...you would think two world wars and the Gulf War would make that clear. Sending M1 Abrams two at a time on C-5 seems rather inefficient...

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When you want to drop nukes, pull out the Alexander Solzhenitsyn card... he just manages to cut through the haze.

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When I plan (either side) of a War In The Pacific Campaign (in any variant), I do precisely what the Commander advocates. I set up a network of supply depots and I sent fuel and supplies of every kind as often as 80% of the available shipping will allow. The other 20% is held in reserve for use because of an unanticipated demand in some particular direction. So not only are things arriving at intermediate and forward destinations regularly, the capacity to send significantly more if needs be is built in.

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Perhaps it is just not possible for a nation of 350 million people - 30 million of whom are here illegally - to impose its will and way of life on eight billion people even if its military were not rundown and riddled with a woke marxist ideology.

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Yet another reason for my "buy at least 2 American-made freighters and tankers each year" proposal.

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I think the only Politically Reliable location to base a MPS in Europe is the UK. Gibraltar has some space to float and does have a shipyard.

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Priorities People!


Navy launches Women’s Initiatives Team to aid retention, recruitment

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Hi Cmdr, thanks for the post. QQ--what is with all the CO reliefs this year? They just relieved the Gold crew CO of USS Ohio.

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The Navy has pulled the Bataan MEU SOC out of the arena and doesn't plan on sending another there.

The Ships the Army are sending are not Blue water sailing ships, They are flat bottom, shallow draft, low freeboard vessels.

In a sea state from 5 to 9 they will be in danger the entire voyage across the Atlantic, the circle route I believe takes them into the North Atlantic. One of the most dangerous areas there.

At best they will have a run on saltine crackers and Dramamine at worst they will founder.

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"Europe and her problems aren’t going anywhere."

The EU GDP is around $20 trillion compared to our $26 trillion - and compared to the $1.8 trillion of the chief European problem, Russia. Time to wash our hands of Europe's problems and let them step up. Especially, because we are woefully unprepared for war in the Pacific, as you noted yesterday.

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