I remember the first time I read the Caine Mutiny and was surprised to discover that's basically the book's take on Captain Queeq, rather than the actor-friendly Lear characterization of him in the movie.
The novel even ends with a great monologue about how, in peacetime, smarter, less venal thinkers don't get promoted and end up quitting…
I remember the first time I read the Caine Mutiny and was surprised to discover that's basically the book's take on Captain Queeq, rather than the actor-friendly Lear characterization of him in the movie.
The novel even ends with a great monologue about how, in peacetime, smarter, less venal thinkers don't get promoted and end up quitting to teach school like certain retired colonels or maybe go start podcasts
When I was studying law, and Mr. Keefer here was writing his stories, and you, Willie, were tearing up the playing fields of dear old Princeton, who was standing guard over this fat, dumb, happy country of ours, eh? Not us. Oh, no, we knew you couldn't make any money in the service. So who did the dirty work for us? Queeg did! And a lot of other guys. Tough, sharp guys who didn't crack up like Queeg.
I remember the first time I read the Caine Mutiny and was surprised to discover that's basically the book's take on Captain Queeq, rather than the actor-friendly Lear characterization of him in the movie.
The novel even ends with a great monologue about how, in peacetime, smarter, less venal thinkers don't get promoted and end up quitting to teach school like certain retired colonels or maybe go start podcasts
When I was studying law, and Mr. Keefer here was writing his stories, and you, Willie, were tearing up the playing fields of dear old Princeton, who was standing guard over this fat, dumb, happy country of ours, eh? Not us. Oh, no, we knew you couldn't make any money in the service. So who did the dirty work for us? Queeg did! And a lot of other guys. Tough, sharp guys who didn't crack up like Queeg.
That's not actually dialogue from the film, is it?
Because the speech in the novel has a very different tone.