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CDR Sal, happy labor day. From your article, the concluding and pertinent section: "So, with our industrial capacity only a fraction of what it was 85 years ago, and our allies’ industrial capacity in even worse shape…how would we find the capabilities we know we will need to push the fight?

Who, if anyone, would we be able to rely on? How? With what?

Do we abandon the field, or do we push the fight forward?"

Difficult for me to imagine the current administration fighting. A new administration with a different attitude might choose to fight, but given our current state of readiness (how many carriers are in the Pacific right now?), must win very quickly (preferred munitions stocks are...inadequate to need...) or lose, go nuclear (unlikely), or also choose not to fight. Our regional allies (real and imagined...Japan, S. Korea, Philippines...others to be named later) have to be squinting at the odds boards and constantly re-evaluating their decision calculus...back the side that ends up losing, or stay out of the fight and negotiate favorable terms with the new regional hegemon. OBTW, as the players continue to test each other, and we enter one of the most favorable weather windows for something "bad" to happen in the region, a mistake could trigger a cascading series of events that catches everyone by surprise. Have to wonder what that Malaysian patrol boat hit...uncharted undersea mount?

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I think we see a very real chance of China going kinetic after November ( lkely between November and December) if Trump can stop the steal. China knows they will need to use the Biden ambiguity as the opportunity. It will be very difficult for Trump to stop the war at that point. He will have to fight. China will make a lot of inroads and damage during its 60 day headstart.

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Trump's stop the steal is what they are counting on to enable it. Good news, we agree on the timeline and I am sure we both don't like losing.

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I hate losing.

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" Stop the Steal " is a Slogan , Not a Factual Reality . Seems to be Working as the Slogan gets repeated .

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How's your chad hanging?

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It's a relatively concise way to express the necessity of combatting and overcoming the various methods of cheating that were so evident in 2020.

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Too Bad No One Presented any Factual Evidence in a Single Election Case . Facts vs Beliefs / Opinions . https://open.spotify.com/show/1ThqNEZVsv7DlMxEn7TSP1

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600,000 + ballots received and counted illegally in PA. Tens of thousands (at least) ballots stuffed into unmonitored drop boxes and counted illegally in WI. Tens of thousands of "ballots", many with duplicate images, more which cannot be produced for audit, in GA. Tens of thousands of "ballots" that cannot be produced for audit in AZ. Tens of thousands of ballots illegally received and counted in MI after hours.

Five states all stop counting app. same time election evening while Trump is up in a landslide. After the necessary illegal ballots are brought in, he somehow loses a squeaker by less than 44,000 votes spread across three states.

If the election is un-auditable and the results are not reproduceable with paper ballots, all of which have chain of custody known to be legal according to laws in effect at the time, the election is invalid.

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Sorry but you are just Regurgitating the Same Concocted MAGA BS . Why was no Evidence entered in any of the Multiple Court Filings by the Trump Campaign ? Why are so many Trump Lawyers Under going the Disbarment Process or have already been Dibarred ? Why were so many Trump Lawyers Indicted in Various States ? Why did Multiple Trump Lawyers Plead Guilty in Georgia ? Those are FACTS . F A C T S . These Lawyers had every Opportunity to Defend themselves . & Yet they were Devoid of Facts when it was time to Swear on a Bible . I Guess they Did Not want to Play the Perjury Roulette Game ???

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Check your own "facts", you are mistaken. Also, everything I said is a known fact. You have the option to live in a state of delusion, but no ability to require others to do so

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There it is . I got Facts...I posted an Educational Spotify Link ... You Got Facts butt All I here are Opinions . & Never the 2 Shall Meet . & On & On . It is a "FACT " you have an Opinion...Butt that does Not make your Opinion a " FACT ", which is actually a FACT . Later .

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