What a pile of political correctness crap….

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Sadly predictable. Echos of Panama Canal.

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The argument surrendered to here is even weaker than was the Panama Canal. This should be he easiest piece of land to hold onto in the world. Gibraltar sure looks like ripe pickings now.

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My call is that the Brits are trying to run, screaming all the way, to avoid any thought they are, or have ever been, colonialists. No one can run away from their history. But we should also never,ever, make decisions that endanger us or our children. And that is exactly what Great Britain has done. Not only do elections have consequences, but the royal family has been playing “roll over and play dead” for several decades in the form of Prince, now King, Charlie. And Prince William appears to be following in his footsteps. At this point in time, the words of “Rule Britannia” are just wishful thinking. And they are dragging their friends with them.

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Why did the Brits give up something that they owned? That island 1150 nm from Dodge has nothing to do with dodge. I swear, the governments of the world have lost their collective marbles.

I mean, if you no longer wish to take care of it, give it to us, we'll run it.

Damned stupid brits.

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In a nutshell, over the years they legally separated the island chain from Mauritus (which geographically makes sense, pointed out by our host), declared eminent domain and relocated the few thousands inhabitants to Mauritus under a mutual agreement, then signed a 50 years lease with the US with an additional 20 yr buffer going out to 2036. The UK got Polaris out of it.

This decision is seriously stupid.

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Easier than buying Greenland.

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"Undermines rather than underpins" AYE.

Black is white, up is down...

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N. Ireland and Gibraltar next 🙏?

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The British Labor party is like the Democrats. They both are trying to turn their countries into joining the 3rd world. We're just a little behind the UK. At the end of WWII in Europe labor started dismantling the British Empire. While many Americans appear to have resented the empire, the British generally took care of problems before they became American problems. That gave us a century to build our country. Yes they took over territories for British benefit, but their actions rarely hurt and sometimes helped America.

Now both countries socialist/communist citizens want to end free speech and implement every lame brain environmental solution to questionable problems. Like all dictatorial powers, free speech has to go so there is only their version presented to the public. As a warning, the UK has electric rates four times higher than the US going for "carbon neutral". They have the same illegal immigrant problems. Housing shortages, jobs being taken by illegals at the expense of citizens, unresponsive politicians, and the decline of their military power in the face of a dangerous world.

In theory the UK has a 99 year lease on Diego Garcia as part of the surrender of their territory. But 99 years leases sometimes go away. Britain is becoming an unreliable ally. Too bad, they were great in their time. I was born after WWII at the height of US power. I may live to see the end of America if we keep putting people like Obama, Biden, and Carter in power.

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They(we) should have learned from the 97 Hong Kong deal. Remember the no change until 2050 pledge by the PRC. Take a look now at HK. How’s that working?

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56 mins ago·edited 53 mins ago

Everyone over the age of 12 knew exactly what was in store for Hong Kong after the transfer agreement was signed. It's called "window dressing" and allows the skunks to run out the back door before the rubes out front in the street know anything's amiss.

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The Brits can't even secure their own country. How are they supposed to keep the Empire? Oh wait.

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Free Scotland!

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I don't know whether this falls under plain sad, or under "it raises my blood pressure", or where. I didn't know that the distance is 1,150nm, I thought - given that the legal claim exists - it's maybe 50nm, or so. This is beyond stupid to the Nth level, simply handing it over to the PRC.

I really would like an explanation of where things went wrong, that the left is suicidal. Make it make sense…

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The Brits made the same mistake with Hong Kong. They apparently didn’t learn. We made the same mistake with Panama. Some things are 100% worth keeping a death grip on.

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25 mins ago·edited 21 mins ago

Gibraltar next?

The PLAN is going to be pleased with its new base

We shoulda bought it. Failing that it would seem that the Indians, also 1500 miles away would like a base in the middle of their ocean.

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I'd have even taken "sink it" over the present trajectory.

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